
Peter Koudijs is Professor of Finance and History at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Before returning to his home country, we was an Associate-Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Professor Koudijs’ primary research interest is in financial history. By studying unique historical events and broader historical developments he aims to generate valuable new insights that are relevant for finance today. He is particularly interested in corporate finance, financial intermediation and market micro-structure. His work has been published in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of Finance, and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Koudijs earned a Master Degree in Economics and History from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and a PhD from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Previously, he received a research grant from the Institute of New Economic Thinking to study the financial underpinnings of slave plantations in the Dutch Guyanas in the 18th century. He recently received Consolidator and Vidi grants from the European and Dutch Research Councils to pursue a large research project on the historical evolution of limited liability. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, with his wife and three children.