Then I generated an ocean script from ADE, and tried to run the script in OCEAN enviorment. But this time, it seems only one cpu cores was working and thus a very long simulation time was experienced. I checked there are the following warnings:


I am currently trying to run the Virtuoso Spectre simulation by using a Python script. The way I did this is to manually set up the simulator in the virtuoso GUI interface and export an ocean script for the simulator. After that, I just run os.system("ocean -replay opamp.ocn > oceandump.out") in my python script for running the virtuoso simulation without opening the Virtuoso GUI interface. Right now, the problem is that the simulation run time is too long compared to my GUI interface run time. In the Virtuoso GUI interface, after I set up my simulator, it only costs 28 seconds for a simulation while my script running cost 1 minute 38 seconds. I break down my script run time, and it takes 1 minute to initialize the simulator by loading multiple .cxt files. Is there a more efficient way to run Virtuoso Spectre simulation by using a script or command lines without initializing the environment every time I simulate it?

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I think the basic issue is that you are opening adexl (maestro?) for each simulation. It appears there is only a single simulation performed each time the opamp.ocn file is called by your script. If I read it correctly, you call the opamp.ocn script numerous times to run a set of simulations. Might it be possible to modify your opamp.ocn script to include a set of N corner simulations or a design variable value sweep of N simulations such that a single call to opamp.ocn will perform some or all of the simulations your Python script currently performs. This will reduce the number of calls to opamp.ocn from N to 1 and distribute the initialization time Tinit over N jobs (average of Tinit/N) instead of a single job with initialization time of Tinit?

If this is to possible, there are other options - for example create a netlist, modify it with your Python script and call spectre directly. Of course, you will then be responsible for defining the database structure in lieu of using the Maestro data base structure. Prior to adexl being available, this is the method I used to run a series of corners with ocean (not oceanXL).

I have the following while generate simulator script. The original Project is from TI. after port to A10 GX dev board and update to Quartus Pro 21.3. when I run Tool-> generate simulator setup script. I got a lot of similar error like this.

A game is composed of one Global Script and zero to many Object Scripts. The Global Script is a script that lives in your game that can run background tasks and do general game management type functions. Object scripts are attached to an individual object. Objects are anything with a physical model in the game - chess piece, dice, decks, cards, bags, custom models, boards, etc. Both types of scripts can call the same functions, but Object scripts have access to a reference of the Object it is attached to with the self keyword.

You are able to follow the links on the left side of the page for available tools to help utilize and learn the basics of scripting. When at the top of the page, you will see a link to the Lua API for documentation on all of the available Tabletop Simulator Lua functionality. Links on the right side of the page help navigate the article you are viewing.

I have a custom script that builds a library needed for integrating Rust code into a project. The script works just fine when I build for the simulator. But, when I switch the target to an actual device (connected via USB) the script does not run.

Problem solved. It is non-obvious that on the Build Phases tab, the "Run Script" phase can be drag-n-dropped anywhere in the sequence. When one adds a "Run Script" phase, it is added at the bottom of the list after the link phase. I'm still unsure why it WORKED when I was running the simulator. I suspect it worked once then every time I did a build it was using the library linked from the PRIOR build. Once it ran, I discovered a root cause issue which once resolved got everything working.

Hello guys,I'm working on a quite big design (bigger than my usual) with a friend, over git, and so I'm tying to use non-project mode TCL script of Vivado, to manage the synthesis and the implementation of the design without the huge bunch of stuff that a Vivado project creates, that is difficult to pass from a computer to another.

It's the first time I'm doing something this way and I find it quite difficult to find documentation regarding these scripts. I found the (UG892) that makes an example of synthesis and implementation and the generation of the bitstream, but I cannot find anything about simulation.

-I noticed that opening the gui this way makes my TCL Shell to wait there until I close vivado gui, only after that I can re-run my simulation. And of course from vivado gui itself, if I change the source code of the testbench and re-run, it takes the previously created snapshot.

Is there an easy way to be able to simulate even with small modifications in the code without closing Vivado, waiting for the shell to wake up, re-running the whole script, and waiting for vivado gui to open again, but just with a click or two, as in the normal project mode?

I'm trying to write a Tcl script which loads a simulation in ModelSim and then does some other stuff, so it needs to determine if the simulation loaded successfully or not. But the vsim command does not seem to return any value, at least that I can figure out how to capture. As a test, I did:

When I run my script that time it is launching on first simulator and after that my script is trying to start on second simulator, that time my first simulator is automatically killed because appium is killing all the opened simulator instances. So its not possible to launch app on multiple simulators.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Prev12NextPage 1 of 2 Recommended PostsanimatsPosted April 13, 2019animatsResident  6kShare Posted April 13, 2019(edited) Finally found out what's using all the script time. And it's something I've never seen mentioned before.

Look at the top item. "BuiltUsingSkidzPrimz" child prims are using most of the available script time. That's a clever prim building tool from the early years which makes prims snap together like Lego blocks. It's still for sale on Marketplace. Apparently it still uses script time, long, long after the building job is complete. Anyone know how to use Skids Prims? Maybe someone just needs to push the "Finished" button or something so the scripts shut down.

A house in the sim was built with Skidz Primz. Nice looking build. The 186 child prims of the 232 LI house are using most of the script time for the sim just sitting there. There's only 16ms available, and this house is using 13ms of that doing nothing. I've never seen the house used, although it's near me. Sent the owner an IM and filed a ticket.

136 lines like that. Does that mean each prim has 35 scripts? This has me puzzled. I can examine the house's prims, and I see a few scripts, but I don't see any in the child prims named "BuiltUsingSkidzPrimz". Not sure what's going on here. It's never been this bad before, and that house has been there for the last year. Something strange is going on.

From what I've seen, I get the horrible suspicion that every single prim in that build might have a resize script and any resizing was never "finalized." Possibly there's no "time-out" in the scripts either.

I've found out more about "Skidz Prims". They still have a big inworld store. Their marketplace page says there's a class there at 11 AM each Saturday, but nobody showed up to teach it. Someone from Builders Brewery told me that prims have a name of "a Skidz Prim" during building. When you're done, you click "Finished". That broadcasts a message which causes the prims to change their name to the name of the build ("BuiltUsingSkidzPrimz" if you don't name it) and delete all the scripts. For most of the prims, that was done. The builder did do the "Finish" operation.

The number of scripts seen in Area Search / Script Info for these prims is 35, but Edit doesn't show any of them. This might be a permissions problem, but I do see a few useful scripts, like drapes and lighting control, in Content. It's as if some resource from scripts in the past was never released. This is a build from 2007, so this may be the result of some long-ago bug.

I've tried to reproduce the problem by creating a prim with scripts and deleting them. Area search script info and edit script info agree as I add and delete scripts, or change them to non-Mono. So, not able to reproduce the problem.

Skidz Primz tools was a thing back in 2006 (because people didn't know how to do a "duplicate off the edge" of a prim when building for a perfect fit. Could it be that those crusty old scripts are the same crusty old scripts from back then? Just curious.

I'm very frustrated about this, since it breaks my pathfinding characters. In a way, though, it's encouraging to be able to point to some specific prims and say "these prims are being mishandled by the sim code". For a while, there's been sort of a vague feeling that sim script loads are increasing, but no one knew why. Now there's something to point to that's clearly not working right. 17dc91bb1f

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