Week 25: March 8-12

Mon. 3/8

Complete Math Journal page 132

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Tues. 3/9

This week we are learning about three syllable compound words. How many three syllable compound words can you find in the story below? List them in your writing notebook and submit a picture to edlight.

The Photos.pdf
  • Complete Home Link 3-2: Comparison Number Stories

  • Upload to EdLight



  • Complete Home Link 6-3: Addition and Subtraction Number stories

  • Upload to EdLight

Thurs. 3/11

  • Complete Home Link 6-4: Solving Problems

  • Upload to EdLight

Fri. 3/12

Looking for old work? Click the button to see all past weeks!!

Dance Assignment

Hi Dancers! Our Community Circle Dance was a blast last week! Let's do it one more time!