Week 15: Dec. 14-18

Mon. 12/14

Turn in chapter one of your expert book if you did not submit it last week. Click here for directions.


  1. Complete page 67 1-6

  2. Upload to EdLight (click Blue Button above)

Tues. 12/15

Word Hunt: Practice reading Goats and Crows (in materials packet). Circle all words that have the "long o" sound.



  1. Complete page 69 1-7

  2. Upload to EdLight (click Blue Button above)

Wed. 12/16

Continue working on the next chapter of your expert book. Final copy due by Friday.


  1. Draw a picture of something that happens at each time (page 71)

  2. Upload to EdLight (click Blue Button above)

Thurs 12/17

Submit final copy of your expert book to edlight.


  1. Complete boxes on Math Journal Page 70

  2. Upload to EdLight (click Blue Button above)

Fri. 12/18

Choice Board Assignments

Friday Dance Assignment

This week in our Nutcracker series we learned about the Battle Scene! We learned the Solider Part and Mice Part! Follow along!

Any questions? Email Miss Mandy! akellner@persistenceprep.org