Abstract Berlin:  Christina Zimmermann 

Spatial Adaptation of a Referencing Writing Style

This presentation will introduce our current interactive VR-Film project “The True Film” (https://mirafilm.ch/de/the-true-film/), in which we experiment with different states of multimodal perception. Visitors-observers-travelers to this experience come into intimate contact with Siegfried Kracauers life and thinking through his papers. In a virtual archive, they can peace together their own version of one of the founders of film sociology and meet him and his philosopher friends virtually in the past. Our strategies of recitation brought me to an imaginative archaeological journey (Zielinski, S. (2021): Arqueología prospectiva) into medieval sacred liturgy and its institutionally prescribed spatial staging practices. What can the introduction of secondary narrative instances (priest + lectors), and their placement in the surrounding environment tell us about aesthetic and epistemological techniques of establishing credibility, originality, and subjectivation in a virtual game context?