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I'll be heading down to the Apple Store tomorrow morning to take the temperature of the line. I don't think I can invest a whole day in it, but if I can get one of these Goddamned things I'm going to try. I switched from the Sidekick to an HTC Wizard to get away from a closed platform before - I craved the Sidekick's ample selection of Urban ringtones, but I could always sense the wrought-iron lattice of its limitations cinching in around me. I'm not unhappy with Windows Mobile, and I've appreciated the ability to install third party applications - at least in the abstract. I just think I'm ready to use a device where each application was designed by people who seem to talk to one another on occasion. I sometimes get the impression using this phone that every program on it was designed by a different alien culture, each in conflict with the other, each clinging to radically different values and ideas about what it means to be civilized.

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- Carcassonne just hit Live, and like Catan it's a fantastic translation of a tabletop classic. Optimally, I think these two games could have been released in reverse order, as Carcassonne might have done a better job preparing people for Catan than the other way around. Imagine that you are reaching into a Scrabble bag, only instead of letters you are pulling out chunks of the French countryside and assembling them into a map with other players. If strategic landscaping appeals to you, grab the demo and make use of the excellent tutorials.

Carcassonne has a few advantages over Catan from a play perspective, especially if you've got friends over. People sometimes complain that you can't play Catan competitively on the same box, even though this is stupid and impossible, like playing poker with all your fars face up on the table. Secrecy is an important mechanic in the game. Carcassonne doesn't work this way, which is lucky - it's the rare arcade title that plays four right on the box. A game of Carcassonne can go quick, too, because instead of playing to a set score you just play until there's no more tiles. The worst parts of the game are manually scoring it and finding people to play with, so having it in an electronic version that ejects all the drudgery really giftwraps the whole experience.

- Super Stardust HD (on the PS3, now) is also fucking fantastic. It's really weird: in aggregate, there's no question that I've spent more time with the downloadable offerings on the next-gen systems than I have with any of the far more elaborate retail content. Does this mirror your own experience? In any case, Super Stardust HD is a great argument for it. I never played the original to compare it, but imagine the arcade classic Asteroids sitting on a juicy porterhouse, served on a platter where butter spits and fries. It's blasting plus beef, manic action and satisfying play. Don't miss the co-op mode.

- There are many theories percolating sur le web regarding the availability of the newest Rainbow Six map pack on Live Marketplace. And when I say availability, well, that's just it: it was made available for a few hours and then yanked unceremoniously. Were long canes involved? Joystiq broadcasts a few of the most common ones, like showstopping bugs or it being released by mistake. Here's what I think: The PS3 version of Rainbow Six comes with both map packs pre-loaded, extra content that currently costs Xbox 360 owners an additional twenty dollars. In the future, when such releases are synchronized, this sort of thing won't happen - but the precedent can't be allowed to stand. Gamers are already sensitive about the pricing on these things, and the idea that owners of a competing system not only play for free but also get the content for free is almost overwhelming in its rhetorical power.

No mention of the patent for the remote with the accelerometer sensors.

No mention of upgrading the Laptop designs (MBP is an old and tired design)

No mention of Blue Ray support or build to order options.

No Mention of any new iPod designs or a price drop for iPod Touch.

No mention of any new hardware except iPhone 3G

What about Carbon? Carbon64 was dropped and has caused a major ripple with Apple Users who use Adobe Products.

Mac users are mad as hell that PC Users will have 64BIt Photoshop in CS4 but the Mac Version will only be 32bit and will remain 32bit maybe until CS6!

Adobe is going to have to rewrite Creative Suite in Cocca instead of Carbon and is reluctant to implement this in a timely manner (they are estimating a few years)

It is a DEVELOPERS conference and many of these questions are ones developers have been asking for a LONG time and instead of going over a spectrum of questions about hardware and software they over 20 minutes showing off penny arcade games for the iphone. (groan)

When Apple redesigned their website to coincide with the iPhone launch, they eradicated all flash or java elements from it. The entire Apple website, complete with all those fancy transitions, pop-down search results, and popup movies, is standards-compliant. Jobs wants to kill Flash, not embrace it.

Or is this more manuvering like the YouTube native features (ipHone and Apple TV) which when you read the fine print you find the one where you can only watch videos that have been rolled over to the H.264 Codec.

I guess my frustration stems from the fact that Apple is becoming more aligned with Trendy Toys instead of Productive Tools in my opinion. They are more worried about glitzy press releases and making releases early or on time instead of worrying more so about quality (Leopard). They delay everything for the iPhone, they dedicate most of their resources to the iPhone. Yes it is nice. Yes it is helping the stocks rise! Yeah!

More and more stories of lemon hardware, glitchy software, bad user experiences at a vital time when Apple is expanding its market share it is acting more and more like an Electronics Company and less like the Mac experience many of us have enjoyed since the Apple II.

So we have a phone that now is on level with many other phones, has less market share, but has the most inspiring GUI. Already companies are making knock-offs so we all know the iPhone has become a household name.

This of course is such a must have amongst all mac users that things like hardware revisions, supporting blu ray (big deal for audio and video editors), actually fixing the bugs in Leopard, revising the MBA, the Mac mini which is very long in the tooth, the MBP which is using a design that is over 8 years old, the Mac Pro case design is long since been reused enough, and maybe designing a mid size tower, all of these just pale in comparison when it comes to syncing with face-book.

Good thing is Mail, Address Book and iCal should all support not only the MobileMe services but Exchange servers as well so your choice of syncing services has grown as well. This should also help with Macs appearing in some Enterprise situations easier. 152ee80cbc

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