Hi, I'm Pengzhan, 

Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Queen Mary University of London. 

I am a post-doc at Royal Holloway University of London.

My research interest is macroeconomics and labor.

My job market paper is: What Drives the Decline in Female Labor Supply in Urban China (link)

I am also devoted to improving the credibility and accessibility of China's data: Mine Detector for China Economic Data (link)

Please find my CV here.

I am looking forward to meeting you at my next talk:

7-9th June, IAAE Annual Conference, Xiamen

25-26th May, Imperial College PhD Conference, London 

4th March, Economics of Diversity, Gender and Equality (EDGE) Network Webinar

Get in touch: p.qian@qmul.ac.uk

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pengzhan_Econ