Thanks for visiting the official site of PenguinZoneYT! PenguinZone is a YouTube channel that uploads a bunch of computer customization content! This website is not 100% ready yet and there are chances that the domain will change in the future. This website changes some minor details *almost* every month now and you can see the changes I've made on the last page, titled: "Website Change Logs". 

I also changed my name from SkynetScratch to PenguinZone in recent years. The most essential thing in the history of this journey!! If you want to know who changed the title go to my channel and see the video on 'Uninstalling a Program in Control Panel' or click here!

Below are the links that are officially owned by me. I have a linktree link also given, where all my social media platforms are mentioned. Any other link you find online is fake, and not owned by PenguinZone! I also have a scratch account I used to do programming on it (I still do rarely). I still have one unlisted video on "How to make a calculator in scratch". I will make it public on YouTube once hit 5K or 1K subscribers- for memories!
