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Assistant Professor, 2021-

Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, School of Earth and Space Sciences

Peking University

peironglinlin@pku.edu.cn; peironglinlin@gmail.com

Google Scholar

Professional Experiences:

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department, Princeton University

Water, Climate, and Environment (WCE) Program,

Jackson School of Geosciences, 

The University of Texas at Austin 

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science, 

Peking University 


Postdoc position available!  本组正在进行博士后招聘,有气候模式运行和分析、陆气相互作用研究经验的优先,欢迎咨询peironglinlin@pku.edu.cn并加入课题研究小组开展跨学科研究。期待入职时间为2024 Fall, but we will keep the position open until filled with a desired candidate for this project.】

【A MS student vacancy is available for enrollment in Fall 2026. The recruitment will be in 2025 normally】

Please send me an email if you have questions on the above positions.

[2024-01 to 2024-06 many exciting things to be updated later ... ]