As world leaders debate the best response to the increasingly tense situation between Russia and Ukraine, Microsoft warned in February 2022 of a new spear phishing campaign by a Russian hacking group targeting Ukrainian government agencies and NGOs.

The CEO described her dilemma after getting the phishing campaign under control: reimbursing customers felt like the right thing to do, but Wong feared it could incentivize further attacks. So far over 200 customers have been compensated.

Phishing Campaign Leads To UPS Store Data Breach

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The breach occurred after employees received phishing emails containing a link to a malicious website. The targets entered their usernames and passwords into a fake login page which were then harvested by cybercriminals.

It remains to be seen whether this proposed resolution by the county will be enough. Protection of health information is particularly tightly regulated in the US, under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and data breaches involving health data have led to some hefty lawsuits in the past.

Phishing was officially recognized in 2004 as a fully organized part of the black market. Specialized software emerged on a global scale that could handle phishing payments, which in turn outsourced a huge risk. The software was then implemented into phishing campaigns by organized crime gangs.

Phishers continued to target customers of banks and online payment services, given early success. Emails claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service have been used to capture sensitive data from U.S. taxpayers, which is still a popular ruse today. While the earliest examples were sent en masse with attackers hoping to get a few lucky strikes, it is reasonable to assume that phishers today can determine which banks their targets use and adjust their campaigns accordingly.

Attackers who broke into TD Ameritrade's database and took 6.3 million email addresses, but to do more damage they also needed account usernames and passwords. With the stolen email list they launched a follow-up spear phishing campaign.

The file sharing service RapidShare was targeted in 2008 by malicious actors who discovered they could open a premium account, thereby removing speed caps on downloads, auto-removal of uploads, waits on downloads, and cool down times between uploads. In a nutshell it made phishing campaigns much easier to execute.

In January 2014, the Seculert Research Lab identified a new targeted attack that used Xtreme RAT (Remote Access Toolkit). Spear phishing emails targeted Israeli organizations to deploy the advanced malware. 15 machines were compromised - including those belonging to the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria.

In August 2014, iCloud leaked almost 500 private celebrity photos, many containing nudity. It was discovered during the investigation that Ryan Collins accomplished this phishing attack by sending emails to the victims that looked like legitimate Apple and Google warnings, alerting the victims that their accounts may have been compromised and asking for their account details. The victims would enter their password, and Collins gained access to their accounts, downloading emails and iCloud backups.

In September 2014, Home Depot suffered a massive breach, with the personal and credit card data of 100+million shoppers posted for sale on hacking websites.

In November 2014, ICANN employees became victims of spear phishing attacks, and its DNS zone administration system was compromised, allowing the attackers to get zone files and personal data about users in the system, such as their real names, contact information, and salted hashes of their passwords. Using these stolen credentials, the hackers tunneled into ICANN's network and compromised the Centralized Zone Data System (CZDS), their Whois portal and more.

Fancy Bear launched a spear phishing campaign against email addresses associated with the Democratic National Committee in the first quarter of 2016. The hackers were quiet on April 15, which in Russia happens to be a holiday honoring their military's electronic warfare services. Cozy Bear also had activity in the DNC's servers around the same time. The two groups seemed to be unaware of each other, as each separately stole the same passwords, essentially duplicating their efforts. Cozy Bear appears to be a separate agency more interested in traditional long-term espionage.

Equifax publicly announced a disastrous data breach in September 2017, compromising the personal information of about 143 million U.S. consumers. Because a big credit bureau tracks so much confidential information like social security numbers, full names, addresses, birth dates, and even drivers licenses and credit card numbers for some, this is a phishing attack nightmare waiting to happen.

The September 2017 Webroot Quarterly Threat Trends Report showed that 1.385 million new, unique phishing sites are created each month. This report is based on threat intelligence data derived from the industry's most advanced machine learning techniques, ensuring it's both timely and accurate.

A Google study released in November 2017 found that phishing victims are 400 times more likely to have their account hijacked than a random Google user, a figure that falls to 10 times for victims of a data breach. Phishing is much more dangerous because they capture the same details that Google uses in its risk assessment when users login, such as victim's geolocation, secret questions, phone numbers, and device identifiers.

Wombat Security Technologies' annual State of the Phish research report found that 76% of organizations experienced phishing attacks in 2017. There was an 80% increase in reports of malware infections, account compromise and data loss related to phishing attacks over 2016. The data also revealed smishing (SMS/text message phishing) as an emerging threat: 45% of infosec professionals reported experiencing phishing via phone calls (vishing) and smishing.

A phishing campaign targeting organizations associated with the 2018 Winter Olympics was the first to use PowerShell tool called Invoke-PSImage that allows attackers to hide malicious scripts in the pixels of otherwise benign-looking image files, and later execute them directly from memory. Not only does hiding the script inside an image file help it evade detection, executing it directly from memory is a fileless technique that generally won't get picked up by traditional antivirus solutions. This attack is another troubling example of how attacks are evolving away from using malicious .exe's.

Under Armour's health and fitness-tracking app, MyFitnessPal, was hit by a data breach in March of 2018. According to the company the breach affected roughly 150 million users, making them all phishing targets.

Later in March of 2018, researchers at Check Point and CyberInt discovered a new generation of phishing kit readily available on the Dark Web to cybercriminals. The kit enables users to craft convincing emails and redirect sites that closely mimic branding elements of well-known firms and launch a phishing campaign that collects the personal and financial information of unsuspecting consumers, very quickly.

According to a federal court decision, an employee who is tricked into sharing personal information in response to a phishing email can be seen as committing an intentional disclosure under the North Carolina Identity Theft Protection Act (NCITPA). Global manufacturing firm Schletter, Inc. found out the hard way in a class-action suit filed after an employee of the organization fell victim to a CEO Fraud W-2 phishing email. The court reasoned that the data disclosure was intentional and therefore allowed the employees filing the lawsuit to seek treble damages from Schletter.

A sextortion phishing campaign seen in July 2018 was the first to use recipient's actual hacked passwords in the emails to convince people that the hacking threat is real. Given the sheer volume of hacked and stolen personal data now available online, this is a big threat to watch out for in 2018.

The Turla threat group, certainly Russian-speaking and widely attributed to Russian intelligence services, started using a new phishing technique in August 2018. The threat actor is distributing emails whose payloads, malicious pdf files, install a stealthy backdoor and exfiltrate data via email.

A mobile phishing campaign reported in August 2018 involved an internationalized domain name (IDN) "homograph-based" phishing website that tricked mobile users into inputting their personal information. The websites presented as commercial airline carriers and offered free tickets, fooling users with the age-old bait-and-switch technique.

In October of 2018 we saw the growth of a cleverly crafted phishing campaign aimed at employees of public school districts and small colleges, including community colleges. In this campaign the bad guys flood educational organizations with emails purporting to be from a senior figure. These malicious emails typically announce new policies governing employee conduct or a renewed focus in the organization on proper, ethical professional behavior. These malicious emails deliver attachments -- both Word docs and PDF documents that require users to click through to slickly designed external web pages inviting them to cough up their login credentials.

Phishing campaigns during the partial U.S. government shut down in January 2019 caused widespread confusion over whether the IRS will be sufficiently operational to process tax returns and issue refunds. First, amidst a more general increase in vishing, users' inboxes were flooded with ominous warnings about alleged voice mails from the IRS. Second, as in previous years malicious actors were targeting accounting firms and legal practices that specialize in tax matters, pretending to be new clients looking for help with tax preparation and related issues. While the goal of these phishing emails is often to draw targeted employees into a back-and-forth that provides a pretext for malicious actors to hit potential marks with malicious Office documents that often install sophisticated backdoor trojans, in some cases the bad guys do not wait, offering up malicious links and attachments in the initial email.


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