Pedro C. Lopes Gerum
Assistant Professor
Operations and Supply Chain - Cleveland State University
I am an Assistant Professor in the OSM department at CSU. Originally from Brazil, I obtained my Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Rutgers University. I have experience developing and implementing machine-learning applications at American Express. I have also worked in the development of deep-learning models for the classification of exoplanets at NASA Ames in California. My research focuses on transportation reliability, stochastic modeling, game theory, data science, and machine learning. In short, I aim to provide solutions to decision-making problems under uncertainty.
11/2024 - Exominer's development, which Pedro participated in was featured in the November edition of National Geographic.
10/2024 - Pedro and Dr. Sebastian Brockhaus helped organize the first OSM Career Fair at CSU Ohio.
09/2024 - Emille Cavalheiro joined CSU for a 6-month research assignment. She worked under Pedro and Luiz Felipe.
09/2024 - Pedro joined the Senate at CSU.
07/2024 - Pedro Gerum will be the International Co-Lead for Strategic Competition at the XXVI SemeAd (organized by USP - Universidade de Sao Paulo).
05/2024 - Pedro Gerum won a Merit Recognition Award for his research in 2023/2024.
04/2024 - Pedro will present his research of Search Games applied to Inspections at the POMS Conference in Minneapolis.
03/2024 - Pedro will host Dr. Thomas Lidbetter at CSU. Dr. Lidbetter will present to CSU DBA students about his research.
02/2024 - Pedro will present to Glovo about Driver Allocation Optimal Policies.
11/2023 - Pedro will moderate a discussion on How Companies Create a Data Culture in the Cornerstone Speaker Series (CSU). The guest speaker will be Tom O'Toole, former CMO of United Airlines.
09/2023 - Pedro presented his research on Exoplanets search at Case Western - Computer Science Department
Pedro Gerum's paper was used on the VEHICLE ASSIST FEATURE CONTROL patent.
09/2023 - Pedro Gerum has joined the Editorial Board of The Bottom Line (Emerald Publishing)
07/2023 - Pedro Gerum will be the International Co-Lead for Strategic Competition at the XXVI SemeAd (organized by USP - Universidade de Sao Paulo).
07/2023 - Pedro Gerum became a Review Editor for the Journal Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
05/2023 - Pedro Gerum presented his research on probabilistic deep learning at POMS Annual Conference 2023 in Orlando, FL.
05/2023 - Pedro Gerum became a mentor for the BRASA NEXT program. He was paired with Pedro Muramatsu, a computer science student at UFSCar (Brazil).
05/2023 - Pedro Gerum won a Merit Recognition Award for his research in 2022/2023.
03/2023 - Pedro Gerum gave a colloquium about Probabilistic Deep Learning for Traffic Forecasting for the Mathematics Department at Cleveland State University - RT 1516 at 3 PM.
02/2023 - Pedro Gerum became the faculty advisor for the Supply Chain Management Honor Society - Chapter Iota at Cleveland State University.
11/2022 - A sub-Neptune-sized planet discovered with ExoMiner (described in our publication in The Astrophysical Journal) is mentioned in the Kepler-27 star Wikipedia page.
10/2022 - Pedro Gerum , together with Dr. Patil, organized the first Monte Ahuja Analytics Competition.
10/2022 - Pedro Gerum was featured in the Jornal de Jundiai for his work at NASA: Jundiaienses se destacam na Nasa e influenciam estudantes.