Pediatric Optometrist Calgary

Comprehensive Pediatric Eye Care in Calgary: Easy Blink Optometry

Easy Blink Optometry is one of the best child and adult optometry clinics located in Calgary. This clinic is much more than an eye care clinic since it addresses the functioning of vision in children as to how a child perceives, interprets, or interacts with the visual environment.

They are optometrists who perform vision tests using special equipment and techniques so as to identify vision issues that affect learning, development, and behavior.

The typical pediatric vision problems they address include amblyopia or lazy eye, convergence insufficiency, strabismus tracking and eye movement disorders, accommodation disorders, and more.

Easy Blink Optometry in Calgary also ensures that the parents and the children understand the results that have been given and the conditions that are being diagnosed in simple language.

They prescribe optical appliances, which can be glasses, contact lenses, or reading glasses depending on the child’s need, vision therapy, and orthoptic exercise regimens, which are all unique to the child’s needs.

Vision therapy involves physical exercise, which enhances the interaction of the eyes and brain to address problems such as eye tracking, eye accommodation, focusing, and visual processing. These are to enhance the speed and quality of academic accomplishment and the child’s ease and coordination, alertness, and comfort when reading or doing near work.

Another well-staffed and equipped pediatric eye care clinic is the West Springs Vision Centre, which is managed by Dr. Karissa Hessels. Credentialed as a behavioral optometrist with several years of practice and working with children, Dr. Hessels assesses how children employ vision in reading, physical activities, and even school work. She performs routine vision tests with the aid of equipment to evaluate vision disorders, general eye condition, eye teaming, the ability of eyes to change focus between near and distant objects and eye tracking.

He then proceeds to develop individualized intervention strategies with regard to any vision problems or visual information processing issues.

These may be prescription eyeglasses, vision training, computer-assisted vision training, eye exercises, changes in class environment, and many others. She involves parents, teachers, tutors, coaches, and other related professionals to enhance the vision of the child and reduce difficulties with learning, reading, and other related performance.

Her approach is nurturing, and the children that go through her care acquire the appropriate visual competencies, autonomy, and confidence to succeed.

The Alberta Children’s Hospital also has a large and busy pediatric ophthalmology clinic area. The eye care center has pediatric ophthalmologists and other optometrists to attend to infants, Children, and teenagers. Some focus on specific diseases, for example, amblyopia, squint, ptosis, congenital eye obstruction, and retinoblastoma.

Some others have specific experience in overseeing the eye problems associated with neurology disorders, including cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. They are also quite knowledgeable about pediatric care, including those children with diabetes, those with head injuries, and those with developmental eye problems.

It is important to remember that many eye problems in children can be treated or improved through timely vision screening and intervention by pediatric eye doctors. This ensures that children with the conditions do not develop permanent or long-term complications such as loss of sight or developmental problems.

There are highly skilled pediatric optometrist calgary and ophthalmologists in Calgary who take their time to assess the visual capacities and ensure that a child’s vision and eyes are fit as they grow.