Webinar 3: AT for Emergent Writers

Title: Writing right from the Start!: Writing Strategies and Tools for Emergent Writers

Description: The reason that we teach writing? To demonstrate what we know, to share our ideas and express ourselves; and it is never to early or late, to get started on this process. Research shows us that the more children read, the better readers they are...AND the more children WRITE the better readers they are! So, what are you waiting for? During this presentation we will apply assistive technology tools, apps & extensions to instructional writing strategies for young children and students in K-12 who you want to start out writing or who may have missed out on writing instruction in their earlier grades. We will look at students who are working through the basic stages of the writing process, from scribbling to the end of 2nd grade measures of 2/3 cohesive paragraphs.The tools will be apps for iPads and Androids; webware. software for tablets, laptops and computers, and we will share with you assessment measures that will guide you. This session is beyond showing you to use the tools; it's about implementing these tools.

Presenter: Kelly Fonner, @KellyFonner
