Golden Visa Portugal: Your Key to European Residency

The Golden Visa program in Portugal is one of the most popular residency by investment programs in Europe. Offering a straightforward pathway to European residency and citizenship, the Golden visa portugal program is attractive to investors, entrepreneurs, and high-net-worth individuals from around the world. Here’s everything you need to know about the Golden Visa program in Portugal:

1. What is the Golden Visa Program?

The Golden Visa program is a residency by investment program that allows non-EU citizens to obtain residency in Portugal by making a qualifying investment in the country. The program was launched in 2012 to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.

2. Qualifying Investments

To qualify for the Golden Visa program, investors must make one of the following qualifying investments in Portugal:

3. Benefits of the Golden Visa

The Golden Visa program offers several benefits, including:

4. Application Process

The application process for the Golden Visa program is relatively straightforward. Applicants must submit the required documents, including proof of investment, criminal record certificate, and valid passport, to the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (SEF). Once the application is approved, investors and their family members will be issued a residence permit, which is renewable every two years.

5. Citizenship and Permanent Residency

After five years of continuous residency in Portugal, Golden Visa holders may be eligible to apply for permanent residency. After six years of residency, they may be eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship, provided that they meet certain language and integration requirements.


The Golden Visa program in Portugal offers a straightforward pathway to European residency and citizenship for investors and their families. Whether you’re interested in real estate investment, capital transfer, or business investment, the Golden Visa program provides a flexible and attractive option for obtaining residency in Portugal and enjoying all that Europe has to offer.