Our mission is to uncover, eliminate, and mitigate the negative impacts of inequity and injustice in physics education through research. 

Geraldine L. Cochran

Dr. Cochran is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at The Ohio State University specializing in equity-oriented physics education research. Cochran is a member of the Inclusive Graduate Education Network, a fellow of the American Physical Society, and a fellow of the American Association of Physics Teachers

Cochran earned her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction with a cognate in physics and her Ed.S. in science education with a specialization in teacher preparation from Florida International University in Miami, FL and her M.A.T. with a specialization in secondary school physics, her B.S. degree in physics and her B.S. degree in mathematics from Chicago State University in Chicago, IL.

Sabrina Henige

Sabrina is an undergraduate at The Ohio State University pursuing a degree in Engineering Physics and Astrophysics. She studies software engineering, physics, and astrophysics as parts of her dual majors. 

Project Title: Investigating Faculty Perspectives on Physics Qualifying Exams

Future Plans: 

Jessica Nagasako

Nagasako is an undergraduate student at the University of Rochester majoring in Physics and Astronomy with a minor in Philosophy.

Project Title: Determining Centrality and Isolation in a Network of Engineering Students in an Introductory Physics Course

Future Plans:

Stella Nelson

Nelson is an undergraduate at Ohio State University and is pursuing a degree in astrophysics.

Project Title: Community Cultural Wealth Project

Future Plans: 

Lilit Sargsyan

Sargsyan is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Rutgers University.

Project Title: Investigating Student Perspectives on Physics Qualifying Exams

Future Plans: