How to be inducted!

We have two programs within our chapter, the Junior program (for grades 6-8) and the Secondary program (for grades 9-12). To be inducted into the junior program, members must obtain 15 points. To be inducted to the secondary program, members must obtain 30 points. Points are awarded through various dance related activities, as listed below

  • Talent group productions: Lead (3 points), Cast (2 points), crew (1 point)

  • Outreach: 1 point

  • Christmas Parade: 1 Point

  • Classroom instruction (dance classes): 45 hours=1 point

  • CoDEO Conference (and performance): 1 point

  • Winter showcase: 1 point

  • Spring Recital: 3 points

  • Poms: 4 performances/ competitions= 1 point

  • Teaching/ assisting: 45 hours= 1 point

  • teacher/assistant training: 45 hours= 1 point

  • Being an NHSDA officer= 3 points

Click here for the official NDEO point system document

Because so many of the points are awarded through hours of dance, all members must keep a time sheet until they are inducted. This holds the students accountable for their hours, and provides a reliable record of hours put toward induction. On each hours sheet, members must log the date, number of hours danced, which class taken, and get the teachers signature. The link is at the bottom, labeled "time sheet", as well as on the home page.

Our chapter also maintains several other requirements:

  • Attendance of at least 75% of meetings

  • 7 hours of service with the group (like participation in CoDEO, the Drop and Shop, item drives,and showcases)

  • Maintenance of hours sheet

  • Parent signature on contract (so that all members are held to the same standards)

  • At least a 3.0 GPA

Chapter requirements are looser during the 2020-2021 year because of COVID-19 restrictions! While we still require 75% attendance, an accurate hours sheet, contract signature, and 3.0 GPA, we haven't gotten many chances for community service as a group this year!