"When students are actively reading and applying multiple reading strategies as they read, they are able to understand the text at a deeper level."

Spring Poetry Unit 

One new and innovative way to engage students with reading and writing class in the month of April could be to incorporate a poetry unit that focuses on the theme of spring. Here's how it could work:

This approach can help students to develop their reading and writing skills, as well as their creativity and appreciation for poetry. By focusing on a specific theme, students can also learn how to use language and imagery to convey a specific mood or message, which can be a valuable skill in any form of writing. Additionally, this approach can encourage students to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around them during the spring season.

Great Ideas to Use This Month

Earth Day Writing Challenge 

In honor of Earth Day, challenge students to write a persuasive essay or a letter to their local government officials about a specific environmental issue. This activity can help students to develop their writing skills, while also learning about the importance of environmentalism and advocacy.

April Book Club

Encourage students to form small book clubs and choose a book to read together during the month of April. The book can be related to the theme of spring, such as a book about nature, gardening, or environmentalism. Students can meet regularly to discuss the book, share their thoughts and insights, and engage in critical thinking and analysis.

Historical Fiction Project

April is a great month to explore historical fiction, which can help students to learn about history while also developing their reading and writing skills. Assign students to read a historical fiction book related to a specific time period, such as the American Revolution or the Civil Rights movement. Then, ask them to research the historical context of the book and write a historical analysis of the book, discussing how accurately it portrays the time period and what lessons can be learned from it.

K-12 Resources for April 2024