थिंक एंड ग्रो रिच Apni Soch Se Ameer Bane Ke Guide think and grow rich in hindi pdf

थिंक एंड ग्रो रिच Apni Soch Se Ameer Bane Ke Guide think and grow rich in hindi pdf

Anyone who wants to make life improvements should follow the ideas in Think and Grow Rich. Despite the fact that the book's focus is on financial achievement, the concepts it presents can be applied to succeed in any area of life. It's a book for everyone looking to get better, to put it briefly.

These are the top 5 lessons I've learned from Napoleon Hill's writings. Let's look at them now.

1. All achievement is fueled by desire

According to Hill, desire is the necessary cornerstone of success. You'll achieve weak results if your motivation is weak. Additionally, since your desire to succeed is the foundation of all success, you must remain constant in your efforts.

You should have solid plans rather than merely passing ideas about it. Your determination to succeed must come first.

Hill explains the six measures he suggests doing to stoke your desire.

2. Giving up too soon is indeed a failure (key lessons from think and grow rich in hindi pdf free download )

Therefore, there are several factors that are related to failure, according to the book's guiding principles. I've listed them below, along with some crucial advice to help you combat them:


Numerous failures are brought on by indecision. Hill encourages making prompt and informed judgments.

The most prosperous people are those who can decide swiftly and change their thoughts gradually. They don't vacillate; once they make a choice, they don't change their minds.

In other words, they are experts at putting things off.

Lacking of faith

Hill subsequently argues that our ideas determine our desires. He advises including faithful affirmations in our daily lives as a means to train our minds to see and believe in our success. Because it is effective, there are still many people who support the practise of visualisation today.Affirmations can help you deepen your faith and train your mind to believe in you, according to Hill

He suggests the following affirmations in particular when it comes to affirmations:

Uncertainty, scepticism, and terror

Before employing any of the techniques in this book, according to Hill, your mind must be receptive to receiving wisdom. The human brain must be free from the enemies of uncertainty, uncertainty, and fear, which are fueled by the six fundamental anxieties, in order to have an open mind.

Furthermore, he asserts that if you exhibit these 3 habits, your sixth sense will never work. He lists these as the six fundamental fears:

The Dread Of Becoming Poor

Suffering is a factor in poverty, and many people fear suffering. When it comes to your belief that you are affluent, it is represented by indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over-caution, and procrastination.

You must cultivate a strong desire to accumulate wealth in order to overcome this anxiety.


People typically display their terrible dread of criticism by extravagance, lack of initiative, a lack of ambition, a lack of poise, an inferiority complex, and self-consciousness. People then develop resentment as a result of it.

Consider genuine criticism as a chance to get better rather than taking it negatively. When you aren't under the control of criticism, it offers you a lot of power to improve.

Poor health

A fear associated with the worry that an illness would cause death. Hypochondria, sensitivity, self-indulgence, and rage can be the results.

You must place a high priority on your physical and mental well-being through exercise, a nutritious diet, rest, and other healthy activities in order to combat your fear of falling unwell.

Love lost, loss

People are less likely to trust others because of the fear of losing someone's love, which is motivated by envy and finding fault. Because human nature is difficult to control, love will inevitably end.

The development of your self-confidence and taking your time to get to know individuals, though, might be helpful.

The Anxiety Of Ageing

Embodied by a slowing down, an inferiority complex that sets in around the age of 40, apologising for "being old," and a killing off of the habits of initiative, imagination, and self-reliance.

The truth is that your ability to succeed is not influenced by your age; rather, your only restriction is what you think you are incapable of.

The Dread Of Dying

Fear of dying causes a lack of purpose, an inability to find a good job, and a concentration on dying rather than living.

However, since death is unavoidable, it's crucial to concentrate on enjoying and living in the present.

3. Self-belief is the key to success (Our top takeaway from this Think and grow rich book pdf in hindi )

The Think and Grow Rich secrets place a lot of emphasis on consistently having faith in oneself. Nothing should prevent you from believing that you can accomplish a goal once you've made a decision to do so.

Hill believes that having a focused intention will help you achieve your goals. He suggests following the guidelines from Think and Grow Rich:

1. Go somewhere quiet where you won't be interrupted, and read aloud the written goal statement you wrote. Imagine yourself having that money as you do this.

2. Doing this every day until you have a distinct mental picture of all the money you want to earn.

3. Posting this written declaration somewhere you may see it both in the morning and at night. Continue reading it until you have it memorised.

Hill goes into great length about developing your subconscious mind and using your sixth sense. These are the conclusions I drew from this synopsis of "Think And Grow Rich":

4. To succeed, you must take action.

Hill outlines his conviction that you can't just hope for the result you want as one of the Think And Grow Rich tenets. To reach your goals, you must have the will, the plan, and the commitment to follow through.

He offers the subsequent systematic planning stages to help you achieve your objective.

1. Be a part of an exclusive group.

2. Choose what you can provide for each mastermind group member.

3. Have frequent meetings: twice weekly or more

4. Uphold positive relationships with everyone in the group.

5. Don't be alone; others will support you in succeeding

Hill is a strong supporter of using mastermind groups to avoid isolation. A mastermind group is a collection of people who cooperate in a spirit of harmony as they work together to achieve a certain goal.

Through your mastermind group, you can achieve achievement far more quickly than you could on your alone. In fact, Hill contends that a mastermind group is a need for success if you want to be powerful.

However, nothing else can make your success happen for you. Therefore, having specialist knowledge in the area where you hope to gain money is essential.

Does this imply that becoming an authority in your industry is necessary for success?

No, you don't, in accordance with the Think and Grow Rich Secrets. However, you do need to proactively educate yourself on your field of interest and surround yourself with professionals.

Where to find a free download of Think and Grow Rich

You may benefit from the lessons in this book throughout your life, and fortunately, it's not hard to find. think and grow rich in hindi pdf

Use the advice from this summary of Think and Grow Rich to improve your life right away!

The Think and Grow Rich book introduces a number of ideas that are still relevant today as they were in the 1930s. It's intriguing that the ideas Hill presents in Think and Grow Rich are still so relevant today, given how much the world has evolved since then.

You will gain from this whether you read a Think and Grow Rich free download or purchase a hardback copy to keep on your bookshelf. You will achieve fantastic results and be filled with creative energy if you read this book and implement even a handful of its recommendations. I sincerely hope that this Think and Grow Rich overview will get you off to a terrific start.