You should only need to be online to sign in or download models. If you have done that before you leave your office, you should be able to work offline. I just tested that with my phone in airplane mode, and it continued to work ok.

For stakeholders who only need file-viewing access, we offer free viewers without a subscription. If you're transitioning to named user, be sure to take advantage of the trade-in offers available to you.

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The Offline Image Viewer is a tool to dump the contents of hdfs fsimage files to human-readable formats in order to allow offline analysis and examination of an Hadoop cluster's namespace. The tool is able to process very large image files relatively quickly, converting them to one of several output formats. The tool handles the layout formats that were included with Hadoop versions 16 and up. If the tool is not able to process an image file, it will exit cleanly. The Offline Image Viewer does not require an Hadoop cluster to be running; it is entirely offline in its operation.

I try to support my friends' streams but some days I have a hard time being social so I go in "Offline" and Anon Chat. Am I still counted as a viewer? It's hard to tell because they'll often have 3-4 viewers but when you check the Viewer List there's like 8 names and not all are obviously bots. I assume bots are the only reason there a number discrepancy.

I put offline Wikipedia dumps with Xowa wiki reader onto huge thumb drives & distribute to a niche people without online access. Similarly, I wish to package the entire OpenStreetMap data of a particular country along with a user friendly map viewer (would be nice to do basic trip routing/planning; GPS navigating is not needed). Question 1: Are there any such open-source offline packages already available somewhere? or will become available? If not, what strategy or basic plan would you recommend if I need to compile all this myself? I can get easily get PBF files of a country from But how go from there? I am not interested in editing maps, but I would need something to decompress the PBF's for some map viewers. I love Marble's interface, but not sure if it contains the backend routing and will it be fast enough? Most of my clients use Windows but I like to also avail for the other platforms if possible. I would appreciate what might be a simple outline how this could be accomplished.

The Map Viewer template now supports offline maps, which means you can now download and view secured and public Mobile Map Packages (MMPK). An MMPK consolidates a single map or multiple maps into a single file so that you can share with your ArcGIS organization or directly download to your mobile device for offline use. This blog post will show you some tips and tricks for creating MMPKs in ArcGIS Pro and explain how to configure Map Viewer template to consume offline maps (MMPKs) from the organization.

Double click on the Map Viewer template app to run your app on Desktop with AppRun. Your offline maps (MMPKs) will appear in the "Offline Map" section of Gallery and you can download and view them from there. You can also quickly test your apps on a real device using AppStudio Player.

since last night i don't get any offline messages in my email anymore. For testing i turned off spam protection in my email settings, checked the corresponding option in the preferences of the viewer and also checked the checkbox in my contact information on the SL webpage.

is checkmarked. Its seems for some accounts this mysteriously turns itself off. This option is separate from how preferences in the viewer deals with messages to be stored. Just setting the option in the viewer isnt enough.

Unfortunately that didn't help for me as i had set that option on the account page last night and meanwhile i know i should have gotten offline IMs to email. Gonna try to turn it off in the viewer, for whatever reason, and uncheck/check again it on the account page.

do you use hotmail ? ..some email providers for some reason dont work with sl offline IMs , i dont know why . But i know that hotmail added itsself to that list a few weaks ago . I stoped recieving them too , now i changed to gmail and it works again. Which sucks bunches , cause the only reason i made that hotmail email in the first place is cause back than my adress didnt work with sl . If someone has an awnswer why that is so , or what LL is doing there , id be very interested to hear that ^^

I need help..start before maybe 2 weeks now, I checked to get offline IM on my email, and when I answer trough my email person get , but this stop before 2 weeks. Person who send me IM get blank my answer just some links...also I get on my email that something is wrong with settings . I was again update my email yesterday.. I try send trough email messige in SL - again same ting...blank messige ....

It is not a problem of emai set in SL account web. Example: I receive offlime IM to email from avatars, but not from scripts. I have a visit scripted box and I do not receve anymore offline mesasges since 2 or 3 days. Nor from groups. Anyway ONLY 1 arrived yesterday and normally I receive from marketplace.

I give virtual tours on usb drives to be used offline. Many reasons for this that are not worth discussing. I need virtual tours to be able to work offline. I produce tours of 100-300 panos using Panotour pro

I am being prompted because as a mac user I discovered that the updated safari won't allow viewing offline. It now has a black image with an index.xml error text. The tour works fine online and in firefox so I know it is a safari bug.

I just double-checked the 2022 beta I still have installed, and it has the chm offline help (which looks to be for 2021). So NI have snuck this into 2022 Q3, with zero mention of it in the release notes. Anything else you've slipped in without telling us, NI?

I thought maybe NI dropped the old chm to satisfy Windows 11 support, but Win11 supposedly still supports opening and viewing chm files. Accepting that chm is an outdated format and needs replacement, the alternative should still be available offline for many of the reasons already stated.

The new online help is absolute garbage. I hate everything about it. It's obvious little thought has been given to actually using it - NI are just ticking requirements checkboxes. There is the offline help viewer, but I can't for the life of me find any offline help to download anymore (it was easy to find during the NXG era). Now it's just auto generated PDFs that don't seem to generate half the time.

The offline help used in the new offline viewer (which replaces CHM and the CHM viewer) is installed as part of LabVIEW and not available as an independent download. For folks who do not have LabVIEW installed on their system, the online help is always there. And that also has the ability to generate a PDF from any manual (which is currently broken).

We are aware of the long launch time for the new offline help viewer. This is a top priority for us to address in a future release. However, it should only be that slow on the initial launch. Once it is open loading new help topics should be much quicker. Please let me know how it's working for you once it is already open!

The offline help viewer and content both ship with LabVIEW. When the system is connected to the internet, LabVIEW will go to the online help. But when the system is not connected to the internet, the offline help will automatically launch. There is no need to download any additional files to get offline help, it is already there.

For folks that want to only use the offline help, we have a system wide preference in the NI Help Preferences application. However, for systems that are connected to the internet, we recommend using the online help as it will always be the most up-to-date and also better connect you to other online help resources.

You may have noticed that over the summer, all of our product documentation is now available online at In LabVIEW 2022 Q3, we are starting the transition of our in-product documentation to use our new online (and offline!) help systems. By default, products will send you to the new online documentation portal when you click a help link. However, we recognize that many systems are not internet connected, so we also install a copy of the help content locally on the system. LabVIEW will automatically re-direct help links to the offline help viewer when needed so there is nothing that you need to do. Just click the "more help" link in LabVIEW, and you will be taken to the most recent help available online (or the offline viewer will launch if necessary).

The online help in the past was abominal. It looked optically similar to this new format but had terrible navigation capabilities. If you were in a topic, lets say I was looking for the documentation for the MoveBlock() manager function and wanted to lookup another function from the same manager group there was no way to easily navigate. The easiest was generally to go back to Google and just look for the function there and select the according NI link from one of the first few links. This new format is much better in that respect as the navigation bar on the left side actually works like the navigation pane in the old CHM viewer format. Kudos for that!

Over all the navigation improved substantially to earlier versions, it just isn't optically very visible that this navigation possibility actually is there. Why this needs a separate viewer application for local consumption I'm not really sure. Wouldn't it be enough to just show the HTML source in a local browser? Or is there really a lot of PHP, CGI or whatever server side automatisme in these pages? ff782bc1db

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