Left-click the first tab in the window you want to merge, then hold the shift key and left-click the right most tab. All of the selected tabs for the current window can now be dragged and dropped as as group on another Chrome window.

Also it would be very nice for those with tons of tabs who use a tab suspender extension, and want to merge all windows into one so they can suspend all tabs in one click, instead of having to suspend every tab for each open window, window by window.

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Look for the "Windows" JSON entry, inside of that is a list of windows, the list is indicated with the [] brackets and is comma separated. Inside of each 'Window' entry in the 'Windows' list is a "Buffers" list, each 'Buffer' represents a Tab. There is also a "groups" list that contains a "sheets" list which functions identically but contains information about the tabs and not so much the content.

I've been working on a project and thought I'd see what the Separate Mode was all about. It totally threw me off since I like routines ;) ! So now I really want things back where they were but the "merge all windows" doesn't respond. This is really slowing my work since my hands and eyes were used to everything in the Merged mode. Please tell me the trick to get "Merge All Windows" to work. I tried clicking it immediatly after the first change but it didn't work. Tried closing and restarting it but it didn't work. Tried Merging the windows before I opened file, didn't work. Please tell me the correct combination to get the windows to all merge back together like they were before I clicked Separate Windows.

Choose the To merge field, the subject, and whether to send as text, HTML, or as an attachment. When you send as an attachment, the email has no body text, but the message is sent as an attached document.

It never ceases to amaze me how out of control the desktop version of Apple's Safari can get when it comes to open windows. I'll have one window open, and I'll click on a link from Apple Mail, only to find it opens a new window.

Even if I have Safari configured to open all links in the current window, sometimes it'll behave and sometimes it won't. The end result is that I can wind up with multiple Safari windows open and I then have to try and navigate between them.

If this happens to you regularly, you'll understand how frustrating it can be. And prior to stumbling onto a handy feature to help wrangle those windows, I was doing a lot of copying links, pasting those links into another window, and closing the extra Safari instance. That process is not remotely efficient -- and I'm not a fan of inefficiency.

Fortunately, there's a built-in feature that makes it very easy to merge every Safari window you have open. The one caveat to be aware of is that the feature merges every single open Safari window. That means if you need to have two different windows open -- such as one for writing and one for research -- and you merge Safari windows, you'll wind up with a single window.

If you have multiple Safari windows open (each with multiple tabs), you can always merge the windows, and then drag the tab you need to stand alone out of the lone window. There are always workarounds.

What you'll need: The only thing you'll need for this process is an updated version of the Apple Safari browser on your desktop. I'll demonstrate this on version 16.5.2. This feature has been around for quite some time, so you won't have to have that exact version to merge your windows.

I had 2 tabs open in gnome-terminal and I detached them by dragging the tab away. Now I have 2 gnome-terminal tabs with my work present, and I would like to clean up my desktop clutter - is there a way to merge them back into a single view?

I've only been able to combine the windows by creating a new tab in the first window and then dragging the tab I want back, then deleting the window left behind. (Shown towards end of first video). So is there a way to combine the windows in the case of only having one tab (so will not have to create a second tab)?

Since we now have the 'windows popup' (see screenshot), I think the best way to merge windows is if you can drag & drop a window onto another window in the windows popup (now you can only change the order with drag & drop).

Vlad The Brave example is showing two windows open, each containing one tab. I'm able to drag tabs between windows in Orion, as you mentioned, but the problem arises when there is only one tab left in a window.

Merge modules provide a standard method by which developers deliver shared Windows Installer components and setup logic to their applications. Merge modules are used to deliver shared code, files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic to applications as a single compound file. Developers authoring new merge modules or using existing merge modules should follow the standard outlined in this section.

A merge module is similar in structure to a simplified Windows Installer .msi file. However, a merge module cannot be installed alone, it must be merged into an installation package using a merge tool. Developers wanting to use merge modules must obtain one of the freely distributed merge tools, such as Mergemod.dll, or purchase a merge tool from an independent software vendor. Developers can create new merge modules by using many of the same software tools used to create a Windows Installer installation package, such as the database table editor Orca provided with the Windows Installer SDK.

When a merge module is merged into the .msi file of an application, all the information and resources required to install the components delivered by the merge module are incorporated into the application's .msi file. The merge module is then no longer required to install these components and the merge module does not need to be accessible to a user. Because all the information needed to install the components is delivered as a single file, the use of merge modules can eliminate many instances of version conflicts, missing registry entries, and improperly installed files.

How can I merge a single-page Safari window (with no tabs) with another specific Safari window (which probably contains a few tabs) while leaving other Safari windows intact in a single action? Sort of like how I can do it with individual tabs.

When doing research using Safari, I open lots of tabs with potentially useful resources, and when there are enough of them, sort them into different Safari windows according to various criteria for further processing.

I think probably the best way is to reveal the sidebar, then look at the tab groups. You may just have the default "X Tabs" at the top of each window. You can expand that and drag and drop tabs between windows into that default tab group.

Thanks for the response tygb. having 2 private windows open didn't 'ungrey' the 'merge all windows' options. As I mentioned in my initial message, 2 non private can't be merged either. I seem to be stuck. :-\

The problem went away when I restarted in safe mode. BTW, I had some weird video display issues in safe mode. So I restarted the computer & I could still merge windows, the video display was fine, so it probably was a cache or directory issue, as you said. A note, the browser seems more responsive as well. Thank you!?

Yes, use gparted to delete the windows partitions and then to expand arch linux partition to occupied the free space. Probably you cannot do it(the expand part) from runnig arch linux, so you will need a live cd to boot from. You can use gparted's live cd:


or any other live cd which includes gparted application.

Well the way that i have done in the past it's not just related to arch but what happened to me and you can maybe perform it too is to get some easy installer distro like ubuntu or some arch based with callamares installer and well there is option delete windows or something like this that will wipe out it completely and format the partition to ext4 and then create the partitions in gparted for / and /home

I am not sure how gparted sees the windows partitions though if you cant delete just them in this software then i dont know, well gparted > delete windows partitions > create extended partition /dev/sdaX and then let's say /dev/sda4 < for root and /dev/sda5 for /home then in arch linux terminal you may type fdisk -l see them and type:

Anyway, you probably seek to merge sda4 and sda7 (?) and that's not possible. See comment #5 - otherwise you'll have to repartition the disk completely (and while at it, set proper partition types ;-)

Before anyone drops hard-earned cash on OneNoteGem, note that it does not have a solution to merge cells. It suggests using the Excel integration feature or to shade adjacent cells with 25% gray to wash out the cell borders. Both are freely available if you have OneNote and optionally Excel. But neither is what the vast majority of users desire.

Please note that OneNote Gem table merge add-in is NOT a normal table and is probably not what you are looking for. It basically creates boxes which can be merged together - did not work for me. I found it difficult to use and work with.

I have RNAseq libraries of 28 samples, and I got 2-4 fastq.gz files from each sample. I am just trying to figure out how to merge them. I have already done what I feels is a due-diligence search of the bioconductor tutorials and google, and so far it appears that there is no way in r + windows to easily merge multiple fastq.gz files from the same sample into one fastq file containing all of the reads for that sample. I don't think there should be any quality differences between the reads in these files because these are not technical replicates, the sequencing center just seems to format their data output to start a new fastq file whenever the previous one reaches 603.5 MB. But I need to merge the ones pertaining to a single sample because all of the tools for downstream work all seem to assume that 1 fastq.gz file = 1 sample. Is this true? 2351a5e196

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