I have tried and checked and tried and checked, and I am only syncing the folder I require. So why does dropbox keep stealing my available space? Note: this situation doesn't happen if dropbox is not installed.

This is incredibly unproductive as I seem to be spending most of my time at work configuring dropbox. Not only that, but when my computer HD goes down to 0bytes of space, I can't get anything done at all.

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There is a fair amount of activity on the overall dropbox account. But not in my single chosen selectively synced folder. I estimate that I am running at about a 20% ratio of dropbox activity to hard drive space. I certainly am not deleting files that would quickly fill up 13GB+ of space.

I'm not sure how to find out exactly where any other space may be taken. But I found another hidden .dropbox folder within the root of my Home directory (HD > Users) that has a file named "instance 3" and is a further 3GB in size.

I've just reinstalled and finished syncing as before. So far I have the expected amount of HD space free; 13.5GB. At some point over the next few days, I expect to be in the middle of my workflow before my HD space begins depleting rapidly to Zero bytes for now logical reason.

I guess there is no plausible answer for this one. Anyone with hundreds of GBs of space on their computer would probably never even notice it. Unfortunamtely for those of us with very limited (read: ridiculously small!) space it is going to be a continual problem.

On a separate note, I have previously tried to solve this issue by getting myself a nice big TB external hard drive. However, dropbox has terrible support for external hard drives; everytime the mac is shut down, all knowledge of dropbox folder path is lost, meaning that you then have to navigate to the dropox folder on the external hd, and then relink the account, thus having to go through the sync process from scratch each time. I have noted this in the past, and would be good if a dev manager was to pick up on it and improve dropbox's usability by incorporating some form of buffer link between the dropbox folder location and the application's rather eager decision that there is no folder therefore we must resync the entire lot.

Officially, they have NO support of external drives. Not only are they prone to issues like you experienced, but also loss of data under certain circumstances. The Dropbox client will now let you move the Dropbox folder to an external drive with a warning, but it's still not officially supported. The safest bet when trying to use an external drive with ANY sync solution is to just not do it. Loss of your data isn't worth it.

You might want to look into a disk space analyzer. There are some, like Disk Inventory X (I'm assuming you're on a Mac), that show your files in a graphical list with larger files being represented by larger blocks. It makes it a lot easier to quickly find the larger items on your drive. I use an equivelant application on Windows and they work great.

Would it not be just as easy to implement a protocol that says "Woah! Your dropbox folder isn't where I am setup to find it. Please make sure your external hd is connected and click proceed" - effectively halting the sync process, leaving all files and account links in tact, and awaiting successful connection to the custom dropbox location before continuing on with sync? At the moment, dropbox rather inelligantly falls over the minute you turn on your laptop (external connected and everything logically in place) without question.

I appreciate this kind of use is clearly not how the powers that be at dropbox feel we should be using the service, so it's therefore not setup for that, but I would like to point out that there's nothing to stop or even warn an unsuspecting user from choosing their own dropbox location and going ahead with the setup and sync process.

I have a requirement to edit many reasonably large garphic and video files remotely from one computer, for use on another computer in a fixed location. Dropbox (or any other syncing application for that matter) is the perfect solution for this. The other option is to go back and forth with a memory stick, but aside from the obvious ball ache of fiddling with USB drives etc, there's the inherent risk of ending up with multiple versions of the same file and confusion over which version is which. Perhaps this is a unique situation and not worth the hassle of adding a feature to suit only me.

I appreciate this is not necessarily a thread about external hard drive support (and I am not a programmer so am possibly talking nonsense) but it's a constructive discussion none the less. And it's my dream to have my many GBs of working content at my fingertips whenever I need it

I have been using Disk Inventory X which is how I managed to find the other hidden folder. But cannot for the life of me see anything else related to dropbox which is taking up the remaining huge chunk of space.

I have to be honest, I do not know what level of account we have. All I know is that we have quite a large amount of space on it, I know it's a paid for account, but whether that's business or personal I'm not sure. I shall check on that.

Greetings, I do not see this specific issue addressed in other posts. I am trying to move my Dropbox from my extremely full C drive to another internal drive with plenty of room. When I follow the steps, a box pops up and says "Backup not supported on different drive. Disable PC backups before moving folder." Then, when I try to do that, I get another box that pops up giving me a choice to either "Keep contents in folders on PC" or to "Leave Contents in Dropbox." I don't know which to click and I am paranoid I will erase files or something. Again, my goal is to move my folder from my C drive to an internal drive called F with tons of space and STILL have it backup files. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am using Windows 10. THANKS! - Steve

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When I follow the steps, a box pops up and says "Backup not supported on different drive. Disable PC backups before moving folder." Then, when I try to do that, I get another box that pops up giving me a choice to either "Keep contents in folders on PC" or to "Leave Contents in Dropbox."

Thanks! I successfully moved my Dropbox to my F drive. However, when I try to re-install the backups, it will not let me do that. It seems to be because I still have a folder labeled "Dropbox" under my program files in the C drive. Should I erase that folder. Again, I am just paranoid that I will lose my photos so I am trying to do each step carefully. I am hoping you can offer more guidance. THANKS! - Steve

Thanks, when I try to enable backup it says 2/2 folders have issues (referring to my Desktop and my Documents folders):

"Dropbox and folder are on different drives" is in red. Below that, it says "Make sure Dropbox and your Desktop folder are in their default locations, then try again." 

Again, it appears that I have successfully moved Dropbox to my internal F drive. I can also see that space was freed up in my C drive from this move. However, there is still a Dropbox folder under "programs" in that C drive. Do I need to cut and paste that to the F drive? 

Any help is greatly appreciated. - Steve

Also, in regards to your Backup: usually you need to have your Dropbox folder (and the rest of the paths of Documents, Desktop, Downloads) on the drive where your operating system is installed. Otherwise, you won't be able to enable this feature.

Yes, in light gray it says F: drive in the window indicating location when I check under the Sync tab. The entire reason I moved my Dropbox to this location was that it was taking up a HUGE amount of space on my C drive. I'm clearly not particularly computer savvy, but I am near certain my operating system is on the C drive. I'm grateful for your help, but (as a customer) I am frustrated that this is so difficult. I am looking for a solution where I have a Dropbox that is backing up (preferably in my 4tb F: drive) and not filling my C drive to the point that it can't even update to Windows 11. I am hoping you can continue to assist me with this. THANKS - Steve 152ee80cbc

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