Adobe Acrobat would probably work, but I wonder about pricing and it being overkill (I don't need to slow these servers down just for printing) if all we need is straight printing to to PDF without any fancy editing. 

1 remote desktop server

100 employees in the company (who can log on to the RDS)

25 users max at any one time on the RDS

10 users who need PDF Transformer Plus

4 users max who will be using PDF Transformer Plus at the same time on the RDS

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Have specific and advanced needs above andbeyond that of other users?

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(e.g. Citrix) environment and more. Custom Redistribution now available!

If a server is running one of the versions of the Windows Server operating system shown in Applies to at the beginning of this article, the server has several special identity groups. These special identity groups don't have specific memberships that you can modify, but they can represent different users at different times depending on the circumstances.

Any user who accesses the system through an anonymous logon has the Anonymous Logon identity. This identity allows anonymous access to resources, like to a webpage that's published on a corporate server. The Anonymous Logon group isn't a member of the Everyone group by default.

The person who created a file or directory is a member of this special identity group. The Windows Server operating system uses this identity to automatically grant access permissions to the creator of a file or directory.

Are you trialing Nitro Pro 13 on a terminal server? If yes, did you activate the program using a serial number? Could you please provide this serial number so I could check its status in our licensing server?

They had us upgrade to Nitro 13. I also created a scheduled task to reboot the server each morning. In general the issue has been solved. The 2 instances we had since these steps was due to the user not waiting for the pdf to be created before sending another document to the printer. We told the users to wait until the pdf is created before sending more documents. We have not had any issues since we implemented these 3 steps.

We are trying to run Qliview Desktop and Qlikview Web (with IE plugin) on a terminal server, which is linked to our warehouse server. The user will log in from home on the terminal server (via a VPN connection) and then either call up Qlikview Desktop or access his models via a web browser. The web browser works as long as you do not use the IE plugin. The user is loaded as an standard user on the TS. When the user is given administrative privileges, the QV models can be accessed using either of the methods described.

Using the plugin client can be tricky in a virtualized desktop/terminal server environment. Since this client is a plugin, it has to be installed in every user's directory %Users%\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\QlikTech\QlikView in order to be used. The AJAX client (or web client) can be a better choice as there is no client that needs to be installed. Have a look at the Qlik Support article Differences between IE Plugin and AJAX for more information.

Thanks Jill for the response. Our issue is however, not with the speed of the connection or any network issue. We want to run Qlikview via the terminal server using the IE Pug-in. It is how to get the IE plugin setup on the terminal server where the user does not have administrative rights.

I am having issues with permissions while trying to create a startup disk using Startup Disk Creator. I was able to accomplish this task by using UNetBootin but the disk it creates is failing to boot. Is there a way to start Startup Disk Creator from terminal as root?

If you cannot find it just install it running in terminal those commands (first two are optional, to update the repos, and upgrade what should be upgraded, but if you just want to make pendrive with installer, just skip to the third line.

if it doesn't appear in the dash then go to your package manager and search for startup, there you will find a package named "startup disk creator", right click on it and select mark for installation and then apply changes, after that close the package manager then search for startup disk creator, you will find it.

We have a terminal server that is only being used by two users for the next couple weeks however both of them are having issues usually not at the same time but has happened where they are not being able to print PDF's but are able to print word docs etc.

We have tried updating the drivers, uninstalling Adobe Reader and reinstalling, restarting print spooler and a few other things but the only resolution is actually restarting the server which cannot be done every time and I need to resolve this before everyone migrates from the old server.

I might add that we push the printers from a print server (also 2012R2) via GPO. Everything else works with printers, Microsoft Navision C5, Office 2016, notepad. We have an idea, that the problems happen, when more users is logged on and using Acrobat Reader. We're running the latest Adobe Reader DC.

Printers GPO deployed from Print Manager on DC to Terminal server. Right now, We're using WinPrint Print Processor for as many printers as possible + using Driver isolation, dont use render on client.

We have the same problem in terminal server 2012. In Default, everything is working fine, then random times users can't print pdf but word, excel, notepad etc. work fine, Not all users, only one user in time The only repair method is to delete the printer in his profile, and let the gpo (gpupdate /force) install the printer. Logout-login and working fine again. there is one visible difference in a printing widow, is the " print both sides on paper" doesn't show up. We tried everything drivers, adobe reinstall, change the printer deployment but the problem still occurs.

We have exactly the same problem. Our terminal servers are running windows server 2016. Same with our print server. We are using GPO mapped printers. We are using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. I just called Adobe support. There is a know bug issue that depicts this problem exactly. However, I'm waiting for a call back from them to get more information and timing for the bug fix. I'll re-post once I hear back.

What we experience is that, people call us and say they cannot print PDF files, the progress bar doesn't show up, and nothing happens.

They can print from Word, excel, mail just fine, but not PDF files. first I though it was their profile, and after giving them a new profile it worked, however, later we discovered that it might not be related to their profile, but it was the server, so giving them a new profile just gave me the illusion that fixed the problem, but after they logged on they most likely got on a new citrix server.

Anyway, the "only" temporary fix we found until now was to restart the citrix server, but that is highly inconvenient. 

It seems if we open a PDF via Chrome, they can print it just fine, just not through Adobe reader.

@Daniel (in Danish): Du kan installere printerne lokalt p terminal serverne, var den eneste mde vi kunne f det til at virke p, og havde endda prvet flere forskellige PDF viewere, men havde samme eller lign. problem. Det kunne reelt vre et Microsoft problem, da det er flere viewere det udviser lignende problemer, men som sagt, havde vi brugt oceaner af tid p at f det til at kre, men eneste lsning var i vores tilflde at installere printerene lokalt p terminal serveren Ikke lige frem best practices.........

Publish the App, but make sure the that the users or groups that are configured in the user assignment of the Published apps properties have full access to the client folder on the RDS App server that is hosting the Epicor client.

Whic one to use: From the top portion of, it states that if you have library name conflicts (such as having same library names used by qtcreator with your own LD_LIBRARY_PATH), you may want to start with the shell script, rather than the bare executable.

In case you have ubuntu as a subsystem for win10, it's located in your AppData folder (installing with sudo apt install command): Also, you cannot run qtcreator from terminal as graphical interface is not supported by defeault. You need to instal X-server app first ( ) and then you can run QT from terminal.

Any Free-Version-Product (like the old Free-PDFcreator did it)

contains mostly any AdvertisingBanners or TrackingCookies (or just any LicenceCheck),

this kinds blocked mostly generally by any AntiMaleware or TrojanerCheckers Software-Tools.

But this is not the only reason why a AV or a Browser blocks something.

Sometimes it is realy dangerous

and sometimes it is only any ugly try to track you (and AV and Browser wants to keep you save)

and AV have a settings area in which you can define which one you want to trust blind.

But carefully, totally blind try any file is not a good strategy

without fully knowing what contains the file and what do the file.

Most IDEs create entire worlds where developers can create, but creating requires configuration. It takes time to adjust that world, to play god, to create shortcuts and hotkeys, to get used to different command structures and UI. While a coder could sit down at any terminal and begin working in Vim, that isn't true for any IDE. Further, IDEs are often too much tool for the job. Beginning programmers are much better served by simple text editors vs. massive programming behemoths. 2351a5e196

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