PDEs in presence in Rome 2022

The workshop will take place 16-18 February 2022 in the wonderful engineering department of the University of Rome "Sapienza".

The location is at "San Pietro in vincoli", Via Eudossiana 18.

The event will be an occasion to meet with some brilliant and young researchers in various fields of the mathematical analysis.

The registration for the event is free but mandatory. For any further information please contact us here.

Zoom link

The social dinner is thursday February 17 at "alle carrette", Via della Madonna dei Monti 95 (8 pm)

Organizing committee:

Begoña Barrios Barrera (Universidad de la Laguna)

Tommaso Leonori ("Sapienza" Università di Roma)

Francescantonio Oliva (Università degli studi di Napoli, "Federico II")

Francesco Petitta ("Sapienza" Università di Roma )