For an added layer of protection, you can turn on SafeSearch to help filter most explicit results, like pornography. SafeSearch is on by default for signed-in users under 13 (or applicable age in your country) who have accounts managed by Family Link. Parents also have the option to turn it off or block access to Search all together.

Tip: Parental controls for each type of content aren't available in every country. If you travel to a country where they aren't available, they might not work until you get back home.

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I had thought an easy fix to this would be MAC address filtering, but it appears that when you use SPC the access control option is no longer available in Advanced Settings. Then I thought a work around would be to assign all new MAC addresses on my network to a default profile that is paused - this however doesn't seem possible and regardless either of the above solutions won't address the spoofing of an already assigned MAC address.

But this seems overly complex to me. I am disappointed that Netgear has me pay for a service (SPC) that doesn't really help me with parental controls. If there is a way that Bitfender can help with this I'd love to hear it.

I'm trying to set up parental controls (paid subscription) and when trying to assign devices to each kid, I get no devices found. We have a modem and router. Is this anything you had to work around? It's a Mac modem.

Most games consoles have internet access, which means your child can go online and chat with other players or make in-game purchases. On many consoles there are parental controls which allow you to manage which features are available to your child. On some devices you can:

On PlayStation consoles you can set up a Family Manager account which allows you to manage different accounts for different children/users. Within this you can manage a range of features, such as restricting communication with other players, restricting content, setting play time controls and set spending limits. See all the features available for PS4 and for PS5.

On Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV etc. there are features available for parents all tied into an account. You can set content and privacy restrictions, prevent purchases, allow or disallow apps and more. See what parental controls are available on Apple iOS devices.

It seems like this should be easy to implement and password protect (the filter list could live in a protected area of the system, e.g.), and it would definitely help a lot of people. It just does not exist anywhere and system-wide packet-filtering kills other necessary apps, like Teams (used to connect to school).

iOS and iPadOS can automatically filter website content to limit access to adult content in Safari and other apps on your device. You can also add specific websites to an approved or blocked list, or you can limit access to only approved websites. Follow these steps:

The privacy settings on your device give you control over which apps have access to information stored on your device or the hardware features. For example, you can allow a social-networking app to request access to use the camera, which allows you to take and upload pictures.

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.

I've got parental controls setup on 4 Mac books. I'm having really inconsistent results, and it doesn't block HTTPS. In fact, I see a post saying this back in 2016. Is there really any point to this feature at all!?

SSL filtering is not supported on Mac yet. However, blocking https sites either by the url blacklist or parental control categories work for domains as long as you have port 443 listed in the list of ports to scan.

I don't use parental control. But depending on what you mean with "something with the vpn" I guess he deactivated the Eset Proxy in macOS's network settings or he installed a vpn service etc. If you want to fully control his machine, you should probably create an administrator account and downgrade his account to a standard account. Then, you can ensure that administrative tasks require administrator password (e.g. macOS settings/security/additional options"). Changing the network settings or installation of applications etc. could be restricted this way. Further, Eset can be configured to restrict "performing changes" only to administrator users (Eset settings related to privileges).

I guess someone will have to run a test to determine if these browser based VPN's; here's another one; -secure-with-cybergho/ffbkglfijbcbgblgflchnbphjdllaogb , can bypass Eset parental control blocking. Technically speaking, Eset's SSL/TLS protocol scanning is being performed on all ports. I guess it would depend on what VPN protocol is being used in these browser based VPN's. Appears Eset is only filtering TCP traffic.

What is the device that you are trying to configure the Parental Control filter rules? Please check and ensure the device is not using a Private Address, which may void the Parental Control rules. Please check this FAQ for more details.

@Kevin_Z I don't have private address enabled. The device is correct. If I pause the internet it works. The adult blocking from the teen category works. But the site specific filters don't work. It's not YouTube, it's any site I add. In fact, I see the sites being accessed in the quick view and block them directly from there but I can access them again and I see them again in quick view with the greyed out option because they've already been blocked.

Trend Micro Kids Safety is a web filtering service that prevents your child from seeing inappropriate or harmful material while using the Internet browser.* You can also purchase Trend Micro Web Security to help you avoid phishing and scam websites.

So is this typical for Bitdefender? To not have a single response to a customer question in 24 hours? I bought your software BECAUSE it claims to have parental controls for web filtering of matur.e content. THEY DO NOT WORK. And no one can help me?

Okay, if you go to Bitdefender central, select parental advisor, select add device if you haven't already selected your childs, now after you select it, wait for a few moments as bitdefender on the child's machine needs to install a new module.

This has had absolutely no effect of any kind on my sons computer. If I open google Chrome on his computer and type into the address bar the page opens up exactly as any normal web page would, absolutely zero content filtering.

Bitdefender scans his computer and I can see it marked in Bitdefender Central as "protected" so I know that Bitdefender Central "sees" his PC. But it absolutely does nothing in terms of content filtering.

There aren't many free parental control apps available and most are borderline useless since the features are so limited. But that's not the case with Qustodio. Here's what you get for absolutely nothing:

Aside from surveillance, SentryPC offers basic screen time management, content filtering, and geofencing. It lacks a few other management tools like contact management and remote internet and device shutdowns.

Norton Family is best for parents and kids who already have an open dialogue about internet safety, since the dashboard is more for guiding your conversations than instituting a total device lockdown. It lacks the social media monitoring and app management of more comprehensive parental control software like Bark.

Mobicip offers a web filter, screen-time management, location tracker, app blocker, website blocker, and history report starting at around $48 per year for five devices. If you use Android devices, Boomerang offers those same features and more at around $31 per year for 10 devices.

Canopy alerts you if it thinks your child has taken a sexual photo, and it also scans websites in real time for suggestive photos and replaces them with white squares. You have the ability to filter images with partial nudity too, like swimsuit photos.

Currently things are working for ads filtering, but not as I would want to use as well my OpenDns account for content filtering like this... Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 3.29.44 PM11641118 138 KB

so some devices in my network will have higher or lower filtering settings independently.... while all of them will be filtered through pihole ad blocking.

Routers with effective parental controls can filter website content. Filtering will allow you to restrict or blacklist certain types of content such as adult entertainment websites that are inappropriate for children. You can also restrict content based on topics and keywords. Consider using SafeSearch, a tool that blocks millions of adult websites.

Internet access for student devices is filtered while at school. For grade 5-9 students, Internet access is also filtered using Apple's built-in "Limit Adult Content" filters. For students in grade 10 and above, Internet access at home is not filtered, due to the wide range of family values relating to what parents and caregivers wish to allow their children to access while at home. This page is intended to provide some basic information for parents who wish to implement parental controls and filtering on their child's device while at home. 2351a5e196

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