A project funded by the DC Department of Health Care Finance in collaboration with the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) to promote the standard of pediatric preventive health care that all children deserve.

PC Health Check is an application for checking if your PC is compatible with the new Windows operating system released by Microsoft. In just a few simple steps, this program can check all the necessary components to see if your computer is capable of supporting new updates.

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The entire status check only takes a few seconds. All you have to do is open this program, and the system will automatically begin a quick scan for the necessary hardware. After the scan is complete, you'll see a list detailing your computer's compatibility.

From the main screen, you can also get other important data related to your PC's status, such as the last operating system update you installed, the battery's charge, and remaining storage. In another section, you can also check the load time at the beginning of the session.

I have a container that has a ping endpoint (returns pong) and I want to probe the ping endpoint and see if I get a pong back. If it was just to check 200 , I could have added a liveliness check in my pod like this ->

As the HTTP probe only checks the status code of the response, you need to use the exec probe to run a command on the container. Something like this, which requires curl being installed on the container:

The PasteDeploy configuration (controlling the deployment of the WSGIapplication for each component) may be found by default in-paste.ini alongside the main configuration file, .conf.For example, glance-api-paste.ini corresponds to glance-api.conf.This pathname for the paste config is configurable, as follows:

Takes a path to a configuration file to use when running the program. If thisCLI option is not specified, then we check to see if the first argument is afile. If it is, then we try to use that as the configuration file.If there is no file or there were no arguments, we search for a configurationfile in the following order:

Number of Glance API worker processes to start. Each worker process willlisten on the same port. Increasing this value may increase performance(especially if using SSL with compression enabled). Typically it isrecommended to have one worker process per CPU. The value 0 will preventany new worker processes from being created. When data_api is set toglance.db.simple.api, workers MUST be set to either 0 or 1.

You will want to place the different logging options in the [DEFAULT]section in your application configuration file. As an example, you mightdo the following for the API server, in a configuration file calledetc/glance-api.conf:

Sets the path where the filesystem storage backend write disk images.Note that the filesystem storage backend will attempt to create thisdirectory if it does not exist. Ensure that the user that glance-apiruns under has write permissions to this directory.

When set to 0, a single-tenant store will only use one container to store allimages. When set to an integer value between 1 and 32, a single-tenant storewill use multiple containers to store images, and this value will determinehow many characters from an image UUID are checked when determining whatcontainer to place the image in. The maximum number of containers that willbe created is approximately equal to 16^N. This setting is used only whenswift_store_multi_tenant is disabled.

A default reference must be configured. Its parameters will be used whencreating new images. For example, to specify ref2 as the defaultreference, add the following value to the [glance_store] section ofglance-api.conf file:

From Victoria onwards Glance fully supports configuring multiple cinderbackends and user/operator will decide which cinder backend to use. Whileusing cinder as a store for glance, operator may configure which volumetypes to used by setting the enabled_backends configuration option inglance-api.conf. For each of the stores defined in enabled_backendsadministrator has to set specific volume_type usingcinder_volume_type configuration option in its own config section.

Example 2: Upgrade from single cinder store to multiple cinder stores, ifdefault_volume_type is set in cinder.conf and cinder_volume_type isalso set in glance-api.conf then operator needs to create one store inglance where cinder_volume_type is same as the old glance configuration:

Example 3: Upgrade from single cinder store to multiple cinder stores, ifdefault_volume_type is not set in cinder.conf neither cinder_volume_typeset in glance-api.conf then administrator needs to create one store inglance to replicate exact old configuration:

Example 4: Upgrade from single cinder store to multiple cinder stores, ifdefault_volume_type is set in cinder.conf but cinder_volume_type isnot set in glance-api.conf then administrator needs to setcinder_volume_type same as the default_backend set in cinder.conf toone of the store:

Glance can utilize per-tenant resource limits set in Keystone toenforce quotas on users. These limits must be registered with defaultsin Keystone, with optional per-tenant overrides, prior to enablingthem in Glance. To instruct glance to use limits in Keystone, set[DEFAULT]/use_keystone_limits=True in glance-api.conf.

The new cache management endpoints were introduced in Images API v. 2.13.If cache middleware is configured the new endpoints will be active andthere is no need to use the cachemanagement middleware unless the oldglance-cache-manage tooling is desired to be still used.

Size, in bytes, that the image cache should be constrained to. Images filesare cached automatically in the local image cache, even if the writing ofthat image file would put the total cache size over this size. Theglance-cache-pruner executable is what prunes the image cache to be equalto or less than this value. The glance-cache-pruner executable isdesigned to be run via cron on a regular basis. See more about thisexecutable in Controlling the Growth of the Image Cache

Access to image meta properties may be configured using aProperty Protections Configuration file. Thelocation for this file can be specified in the glance-api.confconfiguration file in the section [DEFAULT]. If an incorrect value isspecified, glance API service will not start.

This setting allows an operator to configure the endpoint URL that willprovide information to load balancer if given API endpoint at the node shouldbe available or not. Glance API server can be configured to expose a healthcheck URL.

Each image in Glance has an associated disk format property.When creating an image the user specifies a disk format. They mustselect a format from the set that the Glance service supports. Thissupported set can be seen by querying the /v2/schemas/images resource.An operator can add or remove disk formats to the supported set. This isdone by setting the disk_formats parameter which is found in the[image_format] section of glance-api.conf.

When you come in to donate, you help provide lifesaving care to patients in need. But you also receive the added benefit of a free mini-health assessment, provided by a trained Red Cross staff member.

Prior to donating blood, all donors will receive a free health screening. At the time of your donation, your blood pressure, hemoglobin, and pulse will be checked. We record these vitals in your online donor profile where you can track and monitor your results. You can access this information as well as past health information obtained during prior donations, at any time. Your online profile is a great resource to track your health goals and share with your care providers. Your health is an important part of your donor journey and key to continuing to help others in need.

Prior to donating blood, all donors will receive a free health screening. At the time of your donation, your blood pressure, hemoglobin and pulse will be checked. We record these vitals in your online donor profile. You can access this information as well as past health information obtained during prior donations, at any time. We encourage you to share your results with your healthcare provider at your next visit.

The Red Cross checks your blood pressure before every donation. When untreated, high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health complications. Also known as hypertension, the condition usually has no symptoms, and is often called the "silent killer."

Your pulse will be checked before every Red Cross blood donation. Staff will measure the number of times your heart beats per minute and count any irregular heartbeats. Your pulse rate gives insights into your heart rhythm and how well your heart may be working. A heart rate that is too fast, too slow, or irregular can indicate an underlying condition.

The Red Cross checks your hemoglobin before every donation to ensure that you are healthy enough to donate. Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron and carries oxygen to the tissues in your body. Iron is essential to help your body to replace new red blood cells lost through blood donations.

As part of every blood donation, you will receive a free health screening with information that may provide important insights into your health status. You can see the results of your health screening such as your pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin level, as well as view trends in these important vitals over time, through our free Blood Donor App as well as through your donor profile on RedCrossBlood.org. 2351a5e196

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