Pau Nolis

NMR Research & Development

NMR Suport & Scientific Collaborations

NMR Trainning

EUROMAR 2019, Berlin

Short Biography

M.Sc 2004 was focused on asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction under the super-vision of professor Albert Virgili.

In 2007 earned Ph.D at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) under the supervision of Dr. Teodor Parella. Research was focused on the development of NMR experiments using Time Sharing Spectroscopy, Heteronuclear Cross Polarization and Spin-State-Selective methodologies.

As visitor scientist I was working in DOSY NMR of gels in Prof. Berger NMR lab. (2006, Leipzig,Germany) and in Prof. Nielsen solid-state NMR lab. (2009, Ahrus, Denmark).

Nowadays working on NMR methodolgy development and associate professor in UAB. Collaborations with other research groups are always welcomed.

82 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Office: C2/-141

Phone: 93 581 37 85


Current Research


Multiple Fid Acquisition NMR (MFA)

The concept of the acquisition of multiple free induction- decay signals within the same scan allows the obtention of complementary NMR spectroscopic data within the same scan, thus optimizing spectrometer time.

Such periods can be understood as simple evolution or relaxation delays and can therefore be implemented in a variety of applications. Under optimum relaxation conditions, multiple FID periods can be incorporated whenever enough longer periods (around 80–100 ms) are available. Experimentally, it is important to find an optimum balance between FID duration and digital resolution.

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Time Shared NMR Experiments (TS)

Time-Shared evolution makes possible to obtain a number of different NMR spectra by the simultaneous detection of independent coherence pathways. Typical heteronuclear NMR spectroscopic experiments used for small and medium-sized molecules, such as HSQC or HMBC, can be recorded simultaneously for two different nuclei, typically 13C and 15N).

Considerable savings can be made in the time required to record the spectra when compared to the separate acquisition of individual spectra.

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NMR experiments for the accurate measurement of scalar coupling constants J and Residual Dipolar Couplings RDCs

The determination of both the magnitude and the sign of heteronuclear coupling constants is fundamental in the structural characterization of organic, organometallic, and inorganic compounds.

Scalar Coupling constants J allow one to trace out homonuclear/heteronuclear through-bond connectivities and their quantification yields information about dihedral angles for 3J via well-known Karplus relationships.

Measurements of Residual Dipolar Coupling constants RDCs in partially oriented small molecules dissolved in weakly aligned anisotropic media allow to obtain 3D structural information based on the relative orientations of molecular bonds (vectors).

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Pure Shift NMR methodology and applications

Over recent years, a significant interest has emerged to develop homodecoupled 1H NMR spectroscopy techniques, also known as Pure Shift NMR. These recent advances offer increased resolution by simplifying the homonuclear splitting pattern, and therefore reducing signal overlapping. However, the methodologies suffers from the sensitivity point of view.

From the application point of view Pure Shift strategies have been incorporated to many routine NMR experiments and its evaluation and success is in continuous evolution.

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Aliasing NMR

Spectral Aliasing offers an extraordinary high digital resolution along the indirect dimension by using a reduced spectral width.

Implementation and evaluation of this technique in different NMR experiments and samples of different nature is of current interest in our group.

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Covariance NMR

Covariance is a mathematical procedure that can be applied as a processing tool in NMR affording considerable time savings compared to standard processing procedure.

We have interest in analyzing the ability to achieve pure shift NMR data using covariance NMR processing.

Collaborations in different research fields - NMR suport