What is your voice REALLY saying about you?

Our voice NEVER lies.  

This means we're broadcasting what we truly feel and believe deep inside - for better or worse.  It means we'll show our insecurities, fear, or lack of confidence when we're having a conversation or presenting something that makes us feel uncomfortable.  It also means that when we're feeling confident and inspired that others feel this too.

This is why inner work is so important and provides the foundation of the training I provide.  I help people to build true confidence and gain clarity on how to express the best parts of themselves in a genuine way so they can create powerful connection with others.

This means more influence, success, and ease in every area of life.

I'm often asked how I can connect with people so easily and read others so well.  There is skill and science behind this intuitive mastery.  The good news is I can teach you how to tap into the science and abilities that will help you do it too.

A stronger voice means improved leadership.

Friends and Family

Business and Branding

Stronger Relationships

This is possible because of my background.  I combine over 20 years of opera experience with the same amount of time teaching voice and blend it with expert knowledge in performance psychology.  Recently, I've added prosperity coaching and behavior profiling skills to the mix.  Past corporate experience combined with branding, marketing, spiritual development, and related topics means I have a skill set unlike any other communication teacher out there.

This means that the issues you encounter with your voice - be they physical or figurative - have solutions that you may not have considered or explored before.

Time and time again, I meet with clients who end up bringing their entire lives and businesses to me when they see what I can offer and how the skills I teach them transform every area of their lives.  

So whether you're looking to build confidence or improve the sound of your voice, hone your communication skills or manage your anxiety, develop your personal brand or heal yourself, you'll find solutions here.