Patrick Bieker

Currently, I'm a PostDoc at MIT mentored by Zhiwei Yun on a Walter-Benjamin fellowship funded by the DFG. Before I was a PostDoc at the arithmetic geometry group at University of Bielefeld supervised by Eike Lau. I recieved my PhD in 2022 at the Technical University of Darmstadt under the supervision of Timo Richarz.

I'm interested arithmetic geometry and the Langlands programme. More concretely, I think about the geometry of (integral models and special fibres of) moduli spaces of shtukas and Shimura varieties, as well as affine Grassmannians. 


Department of Mathematics
MIT, Room  2-246C
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 


pbieker at

patri323 at


My webpage at MIT

My webpage at Bielefeld University

Here is my CV.