After googling I've found that there should be PAM module pam_cracklib that tests password for complexity and it can be configured. But my PAM password settings doesn't include pam_cracklib:

My solution to it was to set the password on another machine on which I also have root access, then copy/paste the hashed value from the /etc/shadow from that machine to the other simply using sudo vi /etc/shadow . The strict PAM did not block that, and it works. (yes, I know it also copies the salt)

Common Password Dictionary Download

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NIST Bad Passwords, or NBP, aims to help make the reuse of common passwords a thing of the past. With the release of Special Publication 800-63-3: Digital Authentication Guidelines, it is now recommended to blacklist common passwords from being used in account registrations.

As long as users continue using common/predictable passwords, dictionary attacks will continue to work. Hackers are not the only ones who can take advantage of password predictability. The best protection against a dictionary attack is using a dictionary during the password creation process. This means checking future passwords against such dictionaries, and preventing users from selecting passwords that are susceptible to attacks.

Specops Password Policy supports custom dictionaries, and also has a leaked password protection add-on. The password deny list contains several billion passwords, and is regularly updated in response to new password leaks.

The dictionary settings can be configured in the Group Policy Management editor from User Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Specops Password Policy. Click Create New Password Policy, and select the Password Rules tab.

You can create or import a custom dictionary list to reject common passwords. The custom dictionary should include passwords relevant to your organization, including name, locations, services, any relevant acronyms, and even local sport teams. For a targeted list of company related words, and potential passwords, you can perform your own password audit. Tools such as L0phtcrack can help you gather a comprehensive list of poor passwords, which you can add to your custom dictionary. To identify additional password-related vulnerabilities, use Specops Password Auditor (free). The tool allows you to scan Active Directory for accounts using leaked passwords.

You can further configure your custom dictionary with the following settings. These settings ensure that users cannot bypass the password dictionary with other predictable patterns, such as adding an exclamation mark to the password.

Prevent the creation of a password that contains a word in your dictionary. For example, if your dictionary contains baseball, enabling this option will reject baseball, BASEBALL, Baseball!, Baseball1. A password change to Baseba1 will not be rejected by this setting.

If your password policy also has character complexity requirements, users might bypass common dictionary words with character substitutions. With this feature enabled, character substitutions are converted to the original character during password validation. The following character substitutions are used for the conversion:

With this feature enabled, you can reject a password change that contains the dictionary word in reverse. For example, if the dictionary contains abc123, enabling this option will also reject the reverse of the word, 321cba.

Short dictionary words make it difficult for users to change passwords, especially if Part of the new password setting is also enabled. By default, words shorter than 4 characters in length are ignored. You can increase or decrease the number of characters with this setting.

Has anyone come across any good password dictionary lately? Some of the lists I found dated back to 90's! Some are simply too big that I doubt their quality. I am looking for something hopefully free!

For password lists and non-password word lists relevant to my suggestions, see SkullSecurity, KoreLogic, and Openwall. The leaks mentioned are all from SkullSecurity. Or you can hunt down leaks and use them as a basis, over time developing good lists. See the twitter feeds of pastebinleaks and keep an eye on the news and hunt down leaks that are announced, especially when in plaintext. Even if some of the leaks are pure hashes and you need to crack them, it will still give you an idea of what is being used in the wild and help you assess the value of your password lists.

Who knew that this simple trick would be the first in an evolution of tricks and tactics designed to execute password attacks? Fast-forward to today, password attacks have advanced quite drastically. Organizations are up against state-of-the-art hacking technologies every second of every day and, to combat this, identity access has become far more complicated than just having one memorable word to remember.

While dictionary attacks are a type of brute force attack, there is a key difference between the two. Whereas traditional brute force attacks attempt to crack a password character-by-character, a dictionary attack will make its way through a list of common words and phrases.

You might remember from your school days being tasked with decoding a cipher using a table of corresponding symbols. While at that age, this kind of task might have appealed to the Sherlock Holmes in you, these days it certainly appeals to hackers looking to decode encrypted passwords.

We also asked CTO and Co-Founder of Keeper Security, Craig Lurey, how implementing a password management solution can help organizations keep their employees safe against password attacks. He told us:

Since very few systems have support for one-time tokens (dynamic passwords which are only used once), everyone should be aware of how to select strong passwords. If a malicious user can get hold of or 'crack' your password they can access the system with your identity and with your access rights.

Do not use the same password for Western Michigan University accounts as for non-Western Michigan University accounts (i.e., personal ISP accounts, brokerage accounts, benefit accounts). If one account password is compromised, all accounts may be compromised. Do not share your University password(s) with anyone, including administrative assistants, supervisors, secretaries or co-workers. All passwords are to be treated as sensitive, confidential Western Michigan University information.

If you suspect your account or password has been compromised, report the event to the appropriate system administrator and the University information security administrator and change your password immediately.

Password attacks are one of the most common forms of corporate and personaldata breach. A password attack is simply when a hacker trys to steal yourpassword. In 2020, 81% of data breaches were due to compromisedcredentials.Because passwords can only contain so many letters and numbers, passwords are becoming less safe. Hackers know that manypasswords are poorly designed, so password attacks will remain a method ofattack as long as passwords are being used.

Phishing is when a hacker posing as a trustworthy party sends you a fraudulent email, hoping you will reveal your personal information voluntarily. Sometimes they lead you to fake "reset your password" screens; other times, the links install malicious code on your device. We highlight several examples on the OneLogin blog.

Man-in-the middle (MitM) attacks are when a hacker or compromised system sits in between two uncompromised people or systems and deciphers the information they're passing to each other, including passwords. If Alice and Bob are passing notes in class, but Jeremy has to relay those notes, Jeremy has the opportunity to be the man in the middle. Similarly, in 2017, Equifax removed its apps from the App Store and Google Play store because they were passing sensitive data over insecure channels where hackers could have stolen customer information.

If a password is equivalent to using a key to open a door, a brute force attack is using a battering ram. A hacker can try 2.18 trillion password/username combinations in 22 seconds, and if your password is simple, your account could be in the crosshairs.

A type of brute force attack, dictionary attacks rely on our habit of picking "basic" words as our password, the most common of which hackers have collated into "cracking dictionaries." More sophisticated dictionary attacks incorporate words that are personally important to you, like a birthplace, child's name, or pet's name.

If you've suffered a hack in the past, you know that your old passwords were likely leaked onto a disreputable website. Credential stuffing takes advantage of accounts that never had their passwords changed after an account break-in. Hackers will try various combinations of former usernames and passwords, hoping the victim never changed them.

You probably use personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, or passphrases every day: from getting money from the ATM or using your debit card in a store, to logging in to your email or into an online retailer. Tracking all of the number, letter, and word combinations may be frustrating, but these protections are important because hackers represent a real threat to your information. Often, an attack is not specifically about your account, but about using the access to your information to launch a larger attack.

One of the best ways to protect information or physical property is to ensure that only authorized people have access to it. Verifying that those requesting access are the people they claim to be is the next step. This authentication process is more important and more difficult in the cyber world. Passwords are the most common means of authentication, but only work if they are complex and confidential. Many systems and services have been successfully breached because of non-secure and inadequate passwords. Once a system is compromised, it is open to exploitation by other unwanted sources. ff782bc1db

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