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1. 1963 - Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech.

2. 1912 - The iceberg believed to have sunk the Titanic.

3. 1929 - Filming the MGM Lion.

4. 1989 - The Tank Man in Tiananmen Square, China. He's to the left of the bulldozer.

5. 1909 - Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty.

6. 1960 - Jackie Kennedy watching her husband debate Richard Nixon.

7. 1945 - Aftermath of the Victory over Japan Day celebrations in New York City.

8. 1990 - Iranian soldiers looks at the burning Iraqi oil fields.

9. 1923 - The Hollywood sign right after it was built.

10. 1936 - The other side of the Hoover Dam before it was flooded.

11. 1967 - The Beatles' shoot for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

12. 1969 - Neil Armstrong right after he walked on the moon.

13. 1963 - JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech in Berlin, Germany.

14. 1919 - Spectators watch the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

15. 1905 - Norway's first ever shipment of bananas.

16. 1914 - Young Adolf Hitler celebrating the announcement of World War One.

17. 1969 - Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival.

18. 1989 - East German soldier passing a flower through the Berlin Wall before it was torn down.

19. 1989 - Traffic jam in Berlin as the border between East and West Germany opens.

20. 1912 - The first World Series Game in New York.

21. 1868 - A Native American observers the completed Transcontinental railroad.

22. 1912 - The last photo of the Titanic before it sunk.

23. 1963 - JFK’s funeral in the Capitol Building.

24. The models of the "American Gothic" painting.

25. 1862 - Abraham Lincoln and General George McClellan.