Application for
If you would like to be considered for our unit and join our great Naval youth organization, The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps,(USNSCC), or The United States Navy League Cadet Corps, (USNLCC), as a new Recruit Cadet, then click on the Cadet Application link below to download it. Then fill it out, and bring it with you on your Meet & Greet with the Commanding Officer.
If you would like to be considered for our unit and join our great youth organization, The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps,(USNSCC), or The United States Navy League Cadet Corps, (USNLCC), as a new Auxiliarist Member, Instructor, or Officer Corps, then click on the Adult Application link below to download it. Then fill it out, and bring it with you on your Meet & Greet with the Commanding Officer.