Elect Glenn P. Parker for Selectman

My sincere congratulations to Michelle Ciccolo and Doug Lucente on their election to the Lexington Board of Selectmen.

Thank you very much to all the supporters and volunteers who contributed to my campaign!

Polls are open on Monday March 6 7am—8pm

  • Precinct 1 & 5: School Administration Building — 146 Maple Street (enter via 328 Lowell Street driveway)
  • Precinct 2: Bowman School — 9 Philip Road
  • Precinct 3: Community Center — 39 Marrett Road
  • Precinct 4 & 6: Cary Memorial Building — 1605 Massachusetts Avenue
  • Precinct 7: Estabrook School — 117 Grove Street
  • Precinct 8: Samuel Hadley Public Services Building — 201 Bedford Street
  • Precinct 9: Maria Hastings School — 7 Crosby Road (enter via 2618 Massachusetts Avenue)

Not sure which precinct is yours? Find your polling location.

Specimen Ballots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Doors open at 7pm, polls close at 8pm. All are invited.

Featuring Letters to the Editor and Questionnaires from Civic Groups.

Voter Guide from the Lexington League of Women Voters

Video from LWV Candidates Night courtesy of LexMedia.

LexMedia's "Coffee with the Candidates" interview.

In the February 2017 Newsletter (PDF), Citizens for Lexington Conservation published responses from candidates to the following question:

  • "Are you in favor of continuing to add to the Town’s tool kit to limit or otherwise control the pace of residential development in our community? If so, please indicate which types of measures you feel the Town should take to add to the controls already in place. Please also include a brief statement as to why you feel the position you are taking is important for the future development of our community."

I am running for Lexington Selectman because I Believe In...

  • COMMUNITY: I love Lexington, and I want to dedicate my time to keeping it a great community to live, work and raise children in.
  • ENGAGEMENT: As Chair of the Appropriation Committee for six years and Town Meeting member for eight years, I have a deep understanding of Town finances and the work Town employees and volunteers must do to keep our budget and community strong.
  • VALUES: I value the open, collaborative, and thoughtful processes underlying our decision-making. I will continue to dedicate myself to keeping communication about financial and other challenges facing Lexington transparent and meaningful.

Elect Parker for Lexington - Treasurer: Jeanne Krieger, 44 Webster Road, Lexington, MA 02421