Paresh R. Chaudhary

Resume | GitHub | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube 

Email: pareshrc_at_uw_dot_edu

I am interested in the development and research of intelligent systems and their underlying algorithms.

Currently, I am a graduate student at the University of Washington working on self-driving cars and broad machine learning optimization problems. I am also a Teaching Assistant for a graduate-level course Linear Systems Theory.

I served as a Teaching Assistant for EE P 545, 'The Self-Driving Car: Introduction to AI for Mobile Robots.' In this role, I assisted students in mastering state estimation, planning/control, and perception and learning techniques for mobile robots. Simultaneously maintained and upgraded the software (OS, ROS, core libraries) and hardware (Jetson, Lidar, IMU, Motor control, Joystick) stack for the 20+ open-source MuSHR cars in the self-driving cars course.

Previously, I was a graduate student researcher with the NASAxUW academic research project. I worked on time-series machine learning algorithms for autonomous calibration and real-time processing of data collected by a radiation sensor in the harsh and unpredictable space environment where these sensors will be deployed.

I started my graduate masters studies at the University of Washington, Seattle, studying in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in 2022.

In the past, I devoted a year to a medical technology startup. During this time, I engaged in extensive research and played a pivotal role in the creation of two refined prototypes meticulously designed for the purpose of monitoring one's health on a periodic basis.

Before that, I earned my bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune. During this time, I also participated in various college competitions. Robocon is the most rewarding of them.

How do I pronounce my name?

