Private PARENTING Sessions

One-on-One Support for Parents
and anyone, who takes care of Children 

Guiding you to insightful Parenting
through understanding
Child Development + Attachment + Consciousness

"The funny thing about kids is - they are the reason we lose it, and they are the reason we hold it together!" 

This image represents our family dynamics - connected, colourful and sometimes chaotic!
It could also represent the dynamic between us and our partner, siblings, friends and colleagues. 

Our deepest desire is for our family life to be loving, sweet and fun, and yet things often get messy. We are tested and pushed to our limits. Even with our best intentions, we find ourselves repeating old patterns and end up in a habitual rut. 

This is true not only of parent-child relationships, but for every person who is in relationship with another, be they your beloved, a family member or a friend.

"It doesn’t matter how much good therapeutic work is done with the child, when the child goes back into the environment that created the anxiety and the alarm, it reverts to the behaviours like ADHD, OCD, Touretts, etc. because this is their coping mechanism to their environment." - Bruce Perry. 

It follows therefore that in order for our children to able to mature, their environment at home has to be conducive. And who creates this environment? We do, their parents. When we are not regulated because we have fallen into one of our original wounds, we cannot be available to our children. 

In order to prepare our children for adulthood, we must show them that they (and we) can handle their upset, their anger, their outbursts. However, that only happens when we are emotionally present to make sense of their upset, not to take it personally and to listen to them with both ears wide open. 

In the moments when our children are upset, angry, dys-regulated, nothing is more important than for parents to step up to be the ones that our child(ren) can lean into and depend on. Yet, we find ourselves second-guessing our decisions and looking for the best way to navigate our ever-changing world. 

The good news is - I know the way out!

During our transformative private sessions I will walk you through my 7 Steps to Stepping Up, which will change your perspective, allowing you to become the parent you want to be in order for your child(ren) to thrive!

"Your thoughts create your reality." - Byron Katie

Are you ready to examine your thoughts?

Schedule a transformative 

one-on-one Session:


When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

Are you ready to see things differently?

Check out these 7 Steps to Stepping Up for your kids,
learn the ABC of Safe Discipline,
see why Play is so important
and discover how to find Rest!


Christine Boecker is a Parent Advisor who has studied and applied Dr. Gordon Neufeld’s attachment-based parenting approach as a mother in her own life for over twenty years.
Christine has facilitated Dr. Neufeld's Power-to-Parent, Making Sense of Adolescence and Bullying courses.

"My biggest fear in becoming a parent was that I would end up with a teenager, who was as sullen and defended as I was at 14" says Christine. That fear compelled her to seek another way. Enter Gila Golub, my wise teacher and dear friend, who guided Christine to look inside and grow herself up, showing her how consciousness and taking responsibility for her thoughts are the answer to becoming the best mother for her child.

Now Christine offers a weekly attachment-based Parenting Circle and is available for private sessions, and as speaker. She is delighted to share her knowledge and her own conscious parenting experiences in a caring and safe environment, bringing genuine empathy and compassion for families - both parents and their children.

Together, we've got this!

Schedule a transformative one-on-one session: