Chavan Paralysis Centre


We are providing Ayurvedic Medicine since 3 decade for Paralysis patient’s in Hyderabad. Here this patients are recovered at chavan paralys center in Hyderabad. we will give Best Services for Paralysis Patient's. Its has NO side effects 100% sure . For More Details Contact Us – 9618033314.


Stroke is the sudden loss of function in a part of the brain. It normally results in difficulty moving an arm or leg which is referred to as paralysis. The person's sensations may be affected. Depending on the cause, it may be temporary or permanent Paralysis, Paralysis can affect any part of the body, including:



• Hands

•One arm or leg (monoplegia)

•One side of the body (hemiplegia)

•Both legs (paraplegia)

•Both arms and legs (tetraplegia or quadriplegia) hemorrhage or infraction


It is thought to be due to the contraction of a blood vessel to the brain. Factors that contribute are high blood pressure, family history, the Thickening of the arteries, diabetes, obesity and smoking. The three types of Stroke are: Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic ,Spinal Cord Injury.


Sometimes a stroke or cancerous cells pressing against the brain cells can also cause paralysis.

The most common symptoms of paralysis are spam, loss of sensation in arms and legs, reduced muscle function, reduced motor functions, and losing the ability to talk.


Treatment depends on the type of stroke you have, including which part of the brain was affected and what caused it. Treatments should be so to prevent and dissolve blood clots, mantain blood pressure and normal the cholesterol levels. A patient who suffers paralysis due to stroke for longer than a year requires more extensive treatment. This is because part of the body has been inactive for so long.