Parallel Computing

Parallel Computing


The Parallel computing paradigm computer systems can perform multiple operations concurrently or simultaneously. In this course we are going to understand the architecture & philosophy behind the parallel computers.

Expectations from Student:

Students are expected to attend the theory lectures, perform all practicals, take two class tests & make subject notes with practical file for final submission.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the need of parallel architecture.

  • Study of different parallel programming platforms.

  • Parallel programming with OpenMP.


Introduction to Parallel Computing By Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar.

Notes Slides & pdfs:

  1. Introduction to Parallel Computing from Purdue University.

  2. Short Overview By Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

  3. OpenMP

  4. Introduction to Parallel computing with OpenMP IIT Delhi

  5. NPTEL Parallel Computing Full Course

  6. Udacity: Introduction to Parallel Computing

Lab Experiments:

Execute the programs in gcc environment.

To execute in gcc use command: (In Ubuntu or Mint OS)

$ gcc -fopenmp programname.c

To Run use: $ ./a.out

Parallel computing lab manual

Parallel Computing Course By IIT Delhi, NPTEL