Nanqing Luo

Ph.D. StudentCollege of Information Sciences & TechnologyThe Pennsylvania State University Email:

About Me

I am currently a Ph.D. student in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University, advised by Dr. Peng Liu, one of the members of the CyberSecurity Lab. I also work closely with Dr. Shuo Chen and Dr. Jian Huang.

What's New

[04/2024] I was invited to attend Cubist Hackathon by Point72 and got 1st place.[04/2024] I was invited to attend Schonfeld Early Engagement (PhD) Summit and got 2nd place.[01/2024] I was invited to attend Five Rings Winter Micro Reception.[11/2023] I joined CAMEL-AI to work on RAG, Memory section of LLM Agent.[10/2023] Our TCT project has received $15,000 grants from Covalent.[09/2023] I joined FuzzLand as security researcher focusing on DARPA AIxCC.[09/2023] We have made our TCT mechanism code public to ensure safety features of Blockchain system.[02/2023] I joined Nethermind as a ZKP researcher to build Verkle tree.[05/2022] I joined Binance as Blockchain Security Intern.

Selected Work

  • [Web3 whitepaper] An Ethereum-compatible blockchain that explicates and ensures design-level safety properties for smart contracts. [pdf] [talk] [code]
Nikolaj Bjørner*, Shuo Chen*, Yang Chen*, Zhongxin Guo*, Peng Liu*, Nanqing Luo*.
  • [Academic Book] AI for Cybersecurity: A Handbook of Use Case. [pdf] [code]
Peng Liu*, Tao Liu*, Nanqing Luo*, Zitong Shang*, Haizhou Wang*, Zhilong Wang*, Lan Zhang*, and Qingtian Zou*. 
  • [PETS 2021] DPlis: Boosting Utility of Differentially Private Deep Learning via Randomized Smoothing. [pdf] [code] [talk] 
Wang, W., Wang, T., Wang, L., Luo, N., Zhou, P., Song, D., & Jia, R. (2021). 
  • [Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing] GuardHealth: Blockchain empowered secure data management and Graph Convolutional Network-enabled anomaly detection in smart healthcare. [pdf]
Wang, Z.*, Luo, N.*, & Zhou, P. (2020). * means equal contribution.


  • Conference: Asia CCS 2022, ESORICS 2024
  • Journal: TIFS
Teaching ExperienceInterests