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During a Pap test, a tool called a speculum holds the vaginal walls apart. A sample of cells from the cervix is collected using a soft brush and a flat scraping device called a spatula (1 and 2). The cells are placed in a bottle that contains a solution to preserve them (3). Or the cells may be smeared onto a glass slide. Later, the cells are checked under a microscope.

Pap Smear Ppt Free Download

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Detecting cervical cancer early with a Pap smear gives you a greater chance at a cure. A Pap smear can also detect changes in your cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop in the future. Detecting these abnormal cells early with a Pap smear is your first step in halting the possible development of cervical cancer.

Depending on the type of Pap testing you're undergoing, your doctor transfers the cell sample collected from your cervix into a container holding a special liquid to preserve the sample (liquid-based Pap test) or onto a glass slide (conventional Pap smear).

If only normal cervical cells were discovered during your Pap smear, you're said to have a negative result. You won't need any further treatment or testing until you're due for your next Pap smear and pelvic exam.

If abnormal or unusual cells were discovered during your Pap smear, you're said to have a positive result. A positive result doesn't mean you have cervical cancer. What a positive result means depends on the type of cells discovered in your test.

Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS). Squamous cells are thin and flat and grow on the surface of a healthy cervix. In the case of ASCUS, the Pap smear reveals slightly abnormal squamous cells, but the changes don't clearly suggest that precancerous cells are present.

Findings:  Knowledge of cervical cancer and the Pap smear test was inadequate among women with low incomes. Pap smear utilization was also limited among low-income women. Of the 18 women who had at least one Pap smear test in their lifetime, eight (44%) had opportunistic testing as a result of having gynaecological symptoms. Twelve women (40%) had never had Pap smear tests. Major barriers to Pap smear screening included inadequate knowledge about Pap smear testing, providers' negative attitudes, and limited access to doctors.

A shows a 3-mm skin biopsy fragment on a glass slide and another glass slide almost covering it. B shows the skin fragment being squashed, and it also illustrates the moment that slight movements are made to improve smear quality. C shows two amastigotes (long arrows) with nuclei (short arrows) and kinetoplasts (arrowheads) near a blood cell in a Press-Imprint-Smear stained with Giemsa under an oil immersion lens (100). D shows a histopathological section stained with hematoxylin/eosin. Two amastigotes are seen with nuclei, and in one of them, the kinetoplast can be visualized (100).

The results showed samples from five patients where amastigotes were seen by histopathology and not Press-Imprint-Smear. Reasons for this discrepancy might be related to sample representation, quality of the smear, and time spent on microscopic examination.

A microscopic examination of an appropriately prepared and well-stained blood smear by a knowledgeable laboratory professional is necessary and clinically useful in a number of circumstances and for a variety of reasons. In this article, an attempt is made to delineate the purpose and criteria for blood smear examination in a variety of circumstances that are encountered in everyday laboratory hematology practice. A blood smear scan serves to at least (a) verify the flagged automated hematology results and (b) determine if a manual differential leukocyte count needs to be performed. Blood smear examination/manual differential leukocyte count with complete blood count (CBC) provides the complete hematologic picture of the case, at least from the morphologic standpoint. Blood smear review with or without interpretation serves to ensure that no clinically significant finding is missed, besides providing diagnosis or diagnostic clue(s), particularly if and when interpreted by a physician.

In low-income and middle-income countries, direct (unconcentrated) sputum smear microscopy is the primary method for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis. The method is fast, inexpensive, and specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in high incidence areas. The main limitations of direct microscopy are its relatively low sensitivity, especially in individuals co-infected with HIV, and variable quality of the test in programme conditions. Thus, there is a need to identify methods to improve the sensitivity of microscopy. Physical and chemical sputum processing methods, including centrifugation, sedimentation, and bleach, have been studied and found to show promise. We did a systematic review to assess the ability of different processing methods to improve the sensitivity of microscopy. By searching many sources, we identified 83 studies. Overall, by comparison with direct smears, the results suggested that centrifugation with any of several chemical methods (including bleach) is more sensitive, that overnight sedimentation preceded by chemical processing is more sensitive, and that specificity is similar. There were insufficient data to determine the value of sputum processing methods in patients with HIV infection. Operational studies are needed to determine whether the increased sensitivity provided by processing methods is sufficient to offset their increased cost, complexity, and potential biohazards, and to examine their feasibility.

In 2009, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommended that women begin having pap smears at the age of 21. ACOG also recommends women ages 21 to 29 should have Pap smear testing every three years. The organization noted that women ages 30 to 65 should have pap smears with HPV testing every 5 years, and screening should stop after age 65. There are special populations of women who should be screened more frequently for cervical cancer than the general population. They include women infected with HIV, immunocompromised women (such as organ transplant patients), women exposed to diethylstilbestrol while in utero, and women previously treated for CIN 2, CIN 3, or cervical cancer.

Women with epithelial cell abnormality on pap smear should be further tested with colposcopy and biopsy. A colposcope is a binocular microscope that allows visual inspection of the cervix. Gross abnormalities visualized on colposcopy can then be biopsied for further classification.

Vaginal discharge, blood, and lubricants can interfere with the interpretation of Pap smears. When performing Pap smears, many providers use either water or a small amount of water-based lubricant to minimize patient discomfort.

A computer-aided automated device can interpret Pap smear specimens. The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology requires documentation of the device and result if using a computer-aided system.

This cross-sectional descriptive study, aimed at accessing the accuracy of Pap smear in diagnosing cervical precancerous lesions, was carried out between 3 January and 30 April 2017. All women screened for cervical dysplasia by means of Pap smear with biopsy done for confirmation were subsequently recruited. Data were analysed using SPSS 20.0. A total of 231 women were screened for cervical dysplasia using Pap smear with 75 biopsies performed. Cervical dysplasia was noticed in 54 cases. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive values of Pap smear were 55.5%, 75%, 88.2% and 33.3%, respectively. The sensitivity of Pap smear remains low. Therefore, biopsy should be done in cases of macroscopic cervical architectural changes irrespective of the result of the Pap smear. Moreover, to reduce the number of women with cervical precancerous lesions, the government should make available financial resources to set up HPV vaccination programmes rather than screening programmes.

Patient dropout (PD) is a strong and major drawback of the SM approach, especially in the LMICs. The dropouts were reported to be 4.3-13%[7] and were much more in the field conditions.[8,9] PDs will not only lead to delay in the diagnosis and treatment of TB but will also spread infection. The only way to overcome these PDs is rapid or same day diagnosis of TB if possible. In LMICs, people cannot afford rapid TB diagnostic tests due to their high cost; so, sputum smear microscopy (ssm) is the only feasible technique in these settings.[10]

Immediately after collection, three smears were prepared with each sample on new glass slides. One smear was stained by the standard ZN technique as per the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) guidelines,[11] second smear was stained by the modified ZN (MZN) method,[12] and third smear was stained by FS[13] as per the RNTCP guidelines. After staining, the data on the slides were covered with a wrap so that the microscopist would not be aware of the smear staining technique, thus avoiding misinterpretation of the smear reading.

Smear preparation:[11] new unscratched slides were used for smear preparation. The smears were prepared with a sterile bacteriological loop. A good smear is spread evenly over a size of 2 cm  3 cm and is neither too thick nor too thin. This was allowed to air-dry for 15-30 min and fixed by passing it over the blue flame of the bunsen burner three to four times.

ZN:[11] The smears were flooded with filtered 1% carbol fuchsin (CF) and heated until they were steamed and left to steam for 5 min. After rinsing the slides with a gentle stream of water, 25% sulfuric acid was used to decolorise the smears for 2-4 min and if necessary, the decolorisation step was planned to be repeated for another 1-3 min. The slides were rinsed as per the above mentioned process and counterstained with 0.1% methylene blue for 30 s. The slides were then washed, air-dried, and examined under oil immersion. Minimum 100 fields were examined. The smears were graded as per the RNTCP technical manual.[11] e24fc04721

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