Paola Hernández-Chávez, PhD.

In a nutshell

In a nutshell

My most existentialist-Academic wondering is: how the brain works and why that is not enough to account for human cognition. What else do we need to unveil these complex phenomena?

My research areas surround cognitive science, cognitive neuropsychology, philosophy of biology, bioinspired ontologies, systems medicine, autism theories, and their intersections.

Among my concerns have been: to account for the adoption of particular explanatory patterns in cognitive sciences, the operative methodology for dysfunctions identification in cognitive neuro/psychology, the biology-inspired causal assumptions inherited into neuroscientific accounts, and, more recently, the biological-cognitive basis of corruption.

I am a member of the National Researchers Systems in Mexico (SNI-Conacyt). I work at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales - UJED.

I have been a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (ranking #1 worldwide in PhilSci). Theories of science is what we eat here! CPS Paola 2018-2019 & CPS Paola 2020.

I enjoy having a brain and making use of it. I don’t like dichotomies. I neglect simple mechanicism. I like self-educated people. I go for sports because of the pain resilience they provide to train my-self. But what I enjoy the most is ideological flexibility and mental puzzles.