A prayer in the time of an approaching hurricane

 God of the Universe, at the dawn of creation, your Spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness. You created the oceans and rivers, and all that dwell within them, and at your word the wind and the waves were born.

 The seasons follow your plan, and the tides rise and fall on your command. In both calm and storm, you are with us.

 On the Sea of Galilee, even when the disciples began to fear, Jesus showed that he was Lord over the waters by rebuking the storms, so that all would know that even the wind and the waves obey him.

 Creator God, we ask you to calm the wind and the waves of the approaching hurricane, and spare those in its path from harm. Help those who are in its way to reach safety. Open our hearts in generosity to all who need help in the coming days. 

 In all things and in all times, help us to remember that even when life seems dark and stormy, you are in the boat with us, guiding us to safety.

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On a more general level, there exists in contemporary culture a certain Promethean attitude which leads people to think that they can control life and death by taking the decisions about them into their own hands. What really happens in this case is that the individual is overcome and crushed by a death deprived of any prospect of meaning or hope. We see a tragic expression of all this in the spread of euthanasia-disguised and surreptitious, or practised openly and even legally. As well as for reasons of a misguided pity at the sight of the patient's suffering, euthanasia is sometimes justified by the utilitarian motive of avoiding costs which bring no return and which weigh heavily on society. Thus it is proposed to eliminate malformed babies, the severely handicapped, the disabled, the elderly, especially when they are not self-sufficient, and the terminally ill. Nor can we remain silent in the face of other more furtive, but no less serious and real, forms of euthanasia. These could occur for example when, in order to increase the availability of organs for transplants, organs are removed without respecting objective and adequate criteria which verify the death of the donor.

60. Some people try to justify abortion by claiming that the result of conception, at least up to a certain number of days, cannot yet be considered a personal human life. But in fact, "from the time that the ovum is fertilized, a life is begun which is neither that of the father nor the mother; it is rather the life of a new human being with his own growth. It would never be made human if it were not human already. This has always been clear, and ... modern genetic science offers clear confirmation. It has demonstrated that from the first instant there is established the programme of what this living being will be: a person, this individual person with his characteristic aspects already well determined. Right from fertilization the adventure of a human life begins, and each of its capacities requires time-a rather lengthy time-to find its place and to be in a position to act".57 Even if the presence of a spiritual soul cannot be ascertained by empirical data, the results themselves of scientific research on the human embryo provide "a valuable indication for discerning by the use of reason a personal presence at the moment of the first appearance of a human life: how could a human individual not be a human person?". 58

A particular problem of conscience can arise in cases where a legislative vote would be decisive for the passage of a more restrictive law, aimed at limiting the number of authorized abortions, in place of a more permissive law already passed or ready to be voted on. Such cases are not infrequent. It is a fact that while in some parts of the world there continue to be campaigns to introduce laws favouring abortion, often supported by powerful international organizations, in other nations-particularly those which have already experienced the bitter fruits of such permissive legislation-there are growing signs of a rethinking in this matter. In a case like the one just mentioned, when it is not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects.

My mom and last parent is currently battling sepsis and went through a terrible time during the past 5 years. She was unfortunate to get breast cancer 5 years ago and had a small tumor removed. It was very early stage and after the surgery she got chemo and hormone therapy, which utterly ruined her life. She was so happy and full of energy all the time up the point after she had chemo and Hormon therapy. She could no longer work and got depressed because her immune system was bad and she had such uncertainties about how well she would fell. Days she would be okay and others she would be completely drained from energy and not be able to get out of bed. It soon spiraled into a depression and she got anxiety. Here in Denmark she went to tremendous efforts demanding by the government over a period of 4 years to asses her ability to work in order for her to get a pension and she had been pushed around in between so many councils, job try outs and meetings where she was just about to reach the end and could finally relax and not worry about anything more in her life since she was qualified for early retirement.

I am so sorry for all of your losses from this horrible disease, I lost my husband of 33 years last Dec 27th 2018 from Septis, he was diagnosed the April before with acute congestive heart failure at 57 years of age, after seeing heart doctor and prescribed 6 different heart medications he was feeling better and had gone back to work, over the next few months his appetite declined he was losing weight and could barely walk from the car to the house which was like 15 feet away, heart doctor told him to slow his activities and his work load down and continue to Take the heart medications, he had no blockages and was never over weight, was a smoker for 40 years but always strong and picture of health, and then n April he swelled up everywhere on his body within 2 days he look like he put on 30 pounds that is when I took him to the ER, we honestly thought that he may of ate something that he was allergic to and the body swelling was a reaction he was having but no it was not that he had advanced acute heart failure was in the hospital for a little over a week until he was able to come home, over the next few months he did find but just tire a lot quicker then fast forward to Sept his appitite declined and he lost 30 pounds by Oct and could barely walk around and felt sick so back in the hospital in Nov for almost two weeks, once he was home he felt better started eating normal and went back to his job, fast forward to Dec 24 and he told me his calf and foot were swollen, and he was having a hard time breathing , so I drove him to ER and they told us he had cellucellulitis in his leg and that they needed to admit him to get it treated, next day one of the Dr came in and told me he was septic had septic shock and he was dying and proceeded to say that she was surprised he had not passed yet, I was in complete shock and had no idea what she was saying, she spoke to me as if I was already aware, I just broke down in disbelief, then she said as I am bawling and still have not been able to get the questions out that I wanted answers to she tells me his organs were shutting down and that he needed to be put in hospice because there was nothing more they could do for him, he passed 2 days later, honestly I still believe I am in shock and dis belief of the whole heartbreaking gut wrenching situation, and very angry with the Dr s I believe they could of treated him but for some reason they did not, I miss my guy terribly every single day!! I feel for all of us who have lost our loved ones and are angry because of the way Dr do not explain like they should, I wish I would of had an advocate for sure

My father died 2 months ago due to septic shock. A week before he died, he had UTI but chose to just drink water to cure it, was feeling lethargic and both feet started to swell, but he ignored it as just another symptom of walking too much. A week later, the pain on one feet got severe and i rushed him to the ER, they gave him antibiotics and sent him home. The same day he arrived home, his feet has become black and pus was coming off it, he had breathing difficulties, and i rushed him to the ER again. After several hours of checking him, the doctor came to inform my family that they could not do anything more and that he was deteriorating. Within 3 more hours, he died. All the signs and symptoms were apparent but it was brushed aside as simply non life threatening issues. Hope this bad experience of mine will shed some light to readers here. He was 80 when he passed on.

On the one hand, one could defend an "anthropologically informed" position, arguing that the body has a particular constitution which makes it either resist or suit commodification. This position would take on a certain expertocratic air since it would seem to claim definitive objective insights into the nature of human beings and their corporeal existence. Besides the epistemological question of how such insights could be gained and justified in the first place, it would be interesting to see how this approach would handle or "sublate" recent plurality. How, for example, would it deal with uninformed, ignorant or disinterested lay people who simply insist on having their own views on body and self? Given the fact that in modern, liberal democracies not superior insights, but the will of the majority determines (within the limits of constitutional rights and democratic procedures) the legitimacy of political decisions, there seems to be no way of imposing certain body conceptions on those who simply do not accept them. Thus, when it comes to ethical recommendations and political consultation, anthropological approaches will have to find a way to incorporate public attitudes and psychological images as well as socio-cultural conceptions of the body instead of simply insisting on the superiority of particular expert theories. be457b7860

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