The game of golf originated on the sandy hills of Scotland on a type of terrain known as links or linksland. Eventually, the game's layout came to be called by the same name as the land, and links developed the meaning of "a golf course built on the coastline," which eventually broadened to include any golf course. Links is ultimately derived from the Old English word hlincas, the plural of hlinc, meaning "ridge," and teed off in 15th-century Scottish English as a name for sandy, hilly terrain. Britain has a number of old-fashioned links courses (built to resemble the Scottish landscape and located on the coastline), and there are a few in the United States as well.

This report shows the root domain of sites with the most links to your site, sorted by count of links. Sites are shown by their root domain, with any subdomain omitted (so would show as

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Relative links are easier for users who clone your repository. Absolute links may not work in clones of your repository - we recommend using relative links to refer to other files within your repository.

Note: The last two relative links in the table above will work for images in a private repository only if the viewer has at least read access to the private repository that contains these images.

If custom autolink references are configured for a repository, then references to external resources, like a JIRA issue or Zendesk ticket, convert into shortened links. To know which autolinks are available in your repository, contact someone with admin permissions to the repository. For more information, see "Configuring autolinks to reference external resources."

PDF links are elements within a document that direct users to a specific location within the same document or to an external resource. It includes a web page, file attachment, or even an email address. You can create links using text, images, or other elements within the PDF.

The link properties in the Create Link dialog box apply to all new links that you create until you change the properties. To reuse the appearance settings for a link, right-click the link whose properties you want to use as the default, and choose Use Current Appearance As New Default.

A destination is the end point of a link indicated by text in the Destinations panel. Destinations allow you to set navigation paths across a collection of PDFs. Adobe recommends that you use destinations when linking multiple documents. Unlike direct links to pages, adding or deleting pages within the target document doesn't affect destination links.

You can attach PDFs and other types of files to a PDF. If you move the PDF to a new location, the attachments move with it. Attachments may include links to or from the parent document or other attachments.

Reference-style links are a special kind of link that make URLs easier to display and read in Markdown. Reference-style links are constructed in two parts: the part you keep inline with your text and the part you store somewhere else in the file to keep the text easy to read.

Here are links to some of the most commonly used employee websites for Providence. Please refer often to your local ministry intranet site for detailed employee information, and let your manager know if you need help or have questions.

Yes, you can! We offer plenty of ways to sell products and monetize your audience. You can collect tips, request payments for services, collect revenue from affiliate links, and sell your products right in your Linktree.

Sharing your Linktree on every social platform you have makes it easy for your most important content to be seen and engaged with by all of your followers. You can even use QR codes to generate online traffic in offline places, and drive people to your links.

This depends on two things. If your priority is click-throughs and conversion, we recommend having 3-7 links on your Linktree at once (based on our most successful creators). Including too many options for your visitors slows down their course of action.

That said: for certain creators whose priority is display, education and showcasing (e.g. a record label with a library of new releases to promote, or a management company looking to showcase their full roster of clients), including more than seven links fulfils their purpose perfectly.

The intent of this Success Criterion is to help users understand the purpose of each link so they can decide whether they want to follow the link. Whenever possible, provide link text that identifies the purpose of the link without needing additional context. Assistive technology has the ability to provide users with a list of links that are on the Web page. Link text that is as meaningful as possible will aid users who want to choose from this list of links. Meaningful link text also helps those who wish to tab from link to link. Meaningful links help users choose which links to follow without requiring complicated strategies to understand the page.

It is a best practice for links with the same destination to have consistent descriptions (and this is a requirement per Success Criterion 3.2.4 for pages in a set). It is also a best practice for links with different purposes and destinations to have different descriptions.

The Success Criterion includes an exception for links for which the purpose of the link cannot be determined from the information on the Web page. In this situation, the person with the disability is not at a disadvantage; there is no additional context available to understand the link purpose. However, whatever amount of context is available on the Web page that can be used to interpret the purpose of the link must be made available in the link text or programmatically associated with the link to satisfy the Success Criterion.

This Success Criterion helps people with motion impairment by letting them skip links that they are not interested in, avoiding the keystrokes needed to visit the referenced content and then returning to the current content.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) official web site is The USDA website provides links to other websites to provide additional information that may be useful or interesting, and is being provided in a manner consistent with the intended purpose of the content you are viewing on the USDA website. USDA is providing these links for your reference. Once you access another site through a link that we provide, you are subject to the copyright and licensing restrictions of the new site.

These bogus href values cause unexpected behavior when copying/dragging links, opening links in a new tab/window, bookmarking, or when JavaScript is loading, errors, or is disabled. They also convey incorrect semantics to assistive technologies, like screen readers.

Skip links are especially useful for people who navigate with the aid of assistive technology such as switch control, voice command, or mouth sticks/head wands, where the act of moving through repetitive links can be laborious.

Interactive elements, like links, should provide an area large enough that it is easy to activate them. This helps a variety of people, including those with motor control issues and those using imprecise inputs such as a touchscreen. A minimum size of 4444 CSS pixels is recommended.

Interactive elements, like links, placed in close visual proximity should have space separating them. Spacing helps people with motor control issues, who may otherwise accidentally activate the wrong interactive content.

Hypertext links are one of the most basic elements of HTML, as its name implies (HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language). As such, making hypertext links accessible is one of the most basic and most important aspects of web accessibility. For the most part, this is an easy task. Standard hypertext links work with all technologies and platforms and users of all abilities can access them, whether directly or through the use of some sort of assistive technology. As might be expected though, there is more to hypertext link accessibility than simply creating a link. Some types of links are more accessible than others, and some types of links are completely inaccessible to people with certain types of disabilities. Because links are so basic to the functionality of web content, inaccessible links are one of the most severe barriers to overall accessibility.

One of the most serious barriers is to create links that go nowhere. Developers sometimes use JavaScript to create dynamic menus that drop down when the user hovers over certain links with the mouse. In some cases, the link itself goes nowhere at all, and its only purpose is to expose the links in the drop-down menu, which do have real destinations. Links like this often have a pound sign as the link destination, which means that the link destination is the same page; clicking on the link accomplishes nothing. Both keyboard users and mouse users will experience nothing at all when attempting to activate the link. e24fc04721

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