Dorje Drolo Sadhana Pdf 14

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The Practice of Dorje Drolo: A Wrathful Manifestation of Guru Padmasambhava

Dorje Drolo is one of the eight main aspects of Guru Padmasambhava, the great master who brought Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century. Dorje Drolo is the wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche, who assumed this appearance to subjugate the negative forces and protect the Dharma. He is depicted as riding a tiger and holding a vajra and a phurba (ritual dagger) in his hands. He has a dark red complexion, a single face with three eyes, and sharp fangs. He wears a garland of severed heads and a tiger skin around his waist.

The practice of Dorje Drolo is considered to be very powerful and effective in overcoming obstacles, dispelling evil influences, and transforming negative emotions into wisdom. It is also said to be beneficial for purifying the environment, averting natural disasters, and bringing peace and harmony to the world. The practice of Dorje Drolo is based on various sadhanas (ritual texts) that have been revealed by tertons (treasure revealers) throughout history. Some of these sadhanas are restricted to those who have received empowerment, transmission, and instructions from a qualified teacher, while others are more accessible and can be practiced by anyone with faith and devotion.

One of the most famous sadhanas of Dorje Drolo is the one revealed by Sera Khandro (1892-1940), a female terton and consort of Drime Ozer, one of the main disciples of Dudjom Lingpa. This sadhana is called "The Profound Bestowal of Blessings: A Sadhana of Dorje Drol from the Reality kins Secret Treasury" and it is part of a larger cycle of teachings called "The Heart Essence of the kins" (Khandro Nyingthig). This sadhana describes in detail how to visualize the mandala of Dorje Drolo, how to invoke his presence, how to make offerings and requests, how to recite his mantra, and how to receive his blessings.

Another well-known sadhana of Dorje Drolo is the one composed by Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987), the head of the Nyingma school and a reincarnation of Dudjom Lingpa. This sadhana is called "The Secret Sadhana of Dorje Drol" and it was written for some of his devoted American students who requested a simple and concise practice of Dorje Drolo. This sadhana is based on the essence of Sera Khandro's sadhana, but it is shorter and easier to perform. It also includes some additional prayers and dedications at the end.

Both of these sadhanas are available in PDF format online for those who wish to study and practice them. However, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified teacher before engaging in any tantric practice, especially those that involve wrathful deities. The practice of Dorje Drolo is not meant to be taken lightly or casually, but rather with respect, reverence, and sincerity. By doing so, one can hope to receive the protection, inspiration, and realization that Dorje Drolo bestows upon his faithful followers.


Dorje Drolo Sadhana PDF 14 | PDF | Padmasambhava | Tibetan Buddhism

Dorje Drol Sdhana | Lotsawa House

Secret Sdhana of Dorje Drol | Lotsawa House


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