Paloma Carrillo
I am an economist in the Statistics Department at the International Labour Organization. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics.
Primary Research Interests:
Applied Microeconomics
Development Economics
Program Evaluation
Secondary Research Interests:
Collective Labor Supply Models
Email: paloma.carrill(@)
Job Market Paper
Title: The Effects of Gender Norms on Work Time (link to paper)
Abstract: Working mothers in Mexico dedicate an average of eighteen hours more to weekly paid and unpaid work than fathers. This paper examines the role gender norms play in determining this work time disparity. To do so, I extend a collective labor supply model with household production to include gender norms and estimate it using Mexican survey data from 2002, 2005, and 2009. The model predictions can replicate the changes in total work time disparity over time. I find that more egalitarian gender norms reduce the total work time disparity between spouses and that their impact is comparable with that of wages. For example, a 16 percentage-point increase in a gender norm index between 2002 and 2005 caused a 2.6-hour decrease in total work time disparity mainly through an increase in women's bargaining power. Obtaining the same 2.6-hour reduction would require women's wages to increase by 11% over 2005 levels.
Other Work in Progress:
Title: Information Frictions and Court Performance: Experimental Evidence from Chile
joint work with Daniel Chen (TSE), Manuel Ramos Masqueda (World Bank), and Bernardo Silviera (UCLA)
Title: The Effect of Violence on Intra-household Bargaining During the Mexican Drug War
2021: 14th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics (Essen, Germany); Applied Micro Workshop (Toulouse); 18th Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days (Strasbourg, France); Job Market Presentation (Toulouse)
2020: PhD Student Workshop (Toulouse); Behavioral, Institutions and Development Workshop (Toulouse)
2019: PhD Student Workshop (Toulouse)
2018: Behavior, Institutions and Development Student Workshop (Toulouse)
Microeconomics 2, Bachelor (English), 2018-2019
Program Evaluation, Master 1 (English), 2019-2020
Applied Econometrics, Master 1 (English), 2020-2021