How Has Web Design Evolved Over The Years

According to current reports, 42.3% of the world’s population uses the web to do their business. The process of web design evolution started in 2007, when Apple launched the first iPhone and the first book of Harry Potter was launched. A lot was changing around, and so were the tools and technologies for web design. As a result, business websites have been completely morphed since that time. This blog goes through the four major changes and trends that change website design services forever.


Website design has evolved like a roller coaster within the last decade. Minimalism, more valuable content, animations, videos, and a flat design are what people want these days. And it makes a huge difference in sales as well. According to data from Kissmetrics, about 40% of consumers won’t return to your website even if they feel a little shady.


Ten years ago, websites were only a calling card for businesses and had little or no text to attract people. However, the way content evolved around us has enhanced website functionality, making it value-centric. Moreover, people are buying online more than ever. Based on reports from Statista, online sales in the US alone are expected to reach $476 billion by 2024.

Today, Web Design Palm Springs ca includes multiple functionalities to give your business/website a competitive edge. The topmost functionalities and elements include self-service, chatbots, click-to-chat, and even video support features.


Before the birth of the iPhone, optimizing your website for mobile was not something that many people took care of. However, with changing times, more than 70% of users consume content through their phones. Palm Springs Web Design is inclusive of this major trend. Our experts take care of a website’s responsiveness to generate maximum ROI and increase traffic at the right places.


The third major trend seen in the website design over the years is the way content and the web are personalized for its users. A simple website without personalization is not too interactive, resulting in lower traffic and lower conversion. According to research from HubSpot, CTA’s target a specific niche of people resulted in a 42% higher view-to-submission ratio, which says a lot.

Another classic example of how personalization creates wonders is Netflix and YouTube. These two organizations gained such popularity because they became really specific and personalized to their audience.

For more info visit site:Website Design Services