Privacy Policy

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal data (as defined below) and how we will handle it.

This Privacy Policy explains how we and our affiliates (collectively, "FortuneTeller" or "us", "us", "us") collect and process personal data when end users ("you" or "your") use games and other applications and related services provided and managed by FortuneTeller (collectively, "services" or "applications").

What information do we collect?

When you use the service, we collect certain personally identifiable information ("personal data") that can be used to identify you. Our services are designed to avoid collecting your name, address, email address or other similar contact information. However, in some cases, if you provide us with this data (for example, if you turn to our support team), we may process this data.

We process the following information:

Device information – this data includes the operating system (device type), mobile device identifier (device ID, AD ID), resolution, application version, language, time zone, and IP address of the device.

Information about your use of the service – these data include information about your activities in the service, such as achievements in the service, completion level and actions taken in the service, in app purchase data (payment ID number, product type and amount, price in your local currency, purchase date and time), subscription, and advertisements you click.

Our services include in app purchases, such as subscriptions. If you want to make an in app purchase, you can make a purchase with Google play managed by Google and integrate it into the service. The in app payment system is managed by the platform management department or its authorized partners. Under no circumstances will FortuneTeller collect or process any information related to your payment instrument, such as bank card number, validity period or your name written on it.

Do we provide or obtain personal data from third parties?

For analysis and advertising purposes, we use services and solutions provided by third parties. These parties process data on our behalf, and their technical solutions represent part of the service. Any transfer of your personal data is based on a written agreement, and we ensure that such third parties comply with applicable data protection regulations. Such third parties process personal data in accordance with their own privacy policies.

In some cases, we may transfer your information to other third parties (e.g., independent personal data controllers) if we are obliged or permitted by applicable laws. If this is the case, we transmit such information while complying with applicable personal data protection laws.

If FortuneTeller is involved in a merger, sale, acquisition, divestiture, reorganization, reorganization, dissolution, bankruptcy or other change of ownership or control in whole or in part, we may transfer our personal data and business assets to another company. In this case, a corresponding notice will be provided on the privacy policy web page.

We may also transfer your personal data to a third party under the following circumstances:

If we need to protect the legitimate rights of FortuneTeller, our end users, business parties or other related parties;

If we need to execute our agreement with you;

If we need to investigate, prevent or take other actions related to illegal activities, suspected fraud or other misconduct.

How long do we keep personal data?

As long as you use this service, we will retain all personal data and keep it within 24 months after you stop using this service. If you do not use the service for 24 consecutive months, we will delete your personal data from our database and request the same deletion from any third party to which your personal information may have been transmitted. If we no longer need to process such data, we may delete your personal information in advance.

If the law requires us to keep your personal data for any purpose specified by the applicable law for a longer time, we will keep your personal information for the period specified by the law. After the expiration of this period, or if the legal obligation to retain such personal data is abolished, we will delete your personal data immediately.

We may retain your personal data for a longer time, only if such personal data has been officially anonymous. After anonymization, the data is no longer considered as personal data because the end user (data subject) is no longer identifiable.

Please consider that the deletion of personal data cannot be recovered. After deleting your personal data, you will not be able to exercise the right of access, deletion, correction or data portability.

Do we process any personal data of children?

We will not use these services to deliberately solicit data from children under the age of 13 or to promote data to them.

If you think that we process personal data of children under 13 years old, please contact us, and we will use all reasonable efforts to stop processing such data and delete it as soon as possible.

What rights do you have regarding your personal data?

According to the applicable data protection regulations, if you are an EU citizen and belong to the scope of data subject, you have the right to enjoy the following rights: access right, correction right, deletion right, data portability right, objection right and processing restriction right.

Access rights. You have the right to access your personal data processed by us;

Right of correction. You have the right to ask us to replace any inaccurate data about you with accurate data. If you think that the data processed by us is not complete for the processing purpose specified in this privacy policy, you can ask us to fill in your personal data accordingly;

Right to delete. You have the right to require us to completely delete your personal data;

Right of objection. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes;

Data portability. You have the right to require us to receive your personal data provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and have the right to transmit these data to other controllers.

Do we control third-party websites?

This privacy policy may contain links to other websites not operated by us. If you click this link, you will be directed to the third party's website. We strongly recommend that you review the privacy policy and terms of use of each website you visit. Under no circumstances will we control the websites of third parties, nor will we assume any responsibility for the contents, privacy policies, terms of use or practices of any third party websites or services.

How do we collect and process data for analytical purposes?

In order to analyze various aspects of the service function, we need to collect and process some information about your interaction with the service. Such information includes your device information and advertising data. It may also include information about errors in the operation of the service. To this end, we use technologies and solutions provided by third parties (our analysis partners). We integrate these technologies into our services, and our partners process data on our behalf and provide us with analysis.

Processing data for analytical purposes is based on FortuneTeller's legitimate interest - analyzing data about services for commercial purposes. Analysis helps us provide better services for users, update and develop services. For example, we can use this information to repair service errors, evaluate the demographic composition of users, determine what functions to add to the service, or whether the game needs to be translated into another language.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may need to change our privacy policy from time to time. We encourage you to check it at least once a month. If you continue to use the service after the change of the privacy policy, it means that you have accepted such change of the privacy policy.

In some cases, we may notify you of the change of the privacy policy through a prominent notice on the service (for example, through a notice or pop-up window) before the change of the privacy policy takes effect, and update the "effective date" at the bottom of this privacy policy.

contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please use "Contact us" in our app to contact us.

Last updated: August 2022, effective date: August 15, 2022