Oleandre Torchier


The eldest of the two children born to Alexandre and Fabienne Torchier, Oleandre comes from a home that values scholarly pursuits, traditional Ishgardian values, and patronage of the arts. From a young age Oleandre clashed with his father but was incredibly close to his mother. Oleandre was sent to the prestigious Scholasticate at a very young age at the behest of his father who held tenure in its hallowed halls.

The better part of his formative years were spent studying mathematics and science. During his years at school he discovered his love for wine: both drinking and crafting it, a passion that he would hone throughout the remainder of his adult life. Shortly before commencement, Oleandre was called home and given the news that the small family was expecting a second child, and it was during this trip that his life would be changed forever by the death of his mother whom he loved above all others. Oleandre completed his studies and began to work both as a lecturer, and to grow his personal business, Torchier Vineyards which he still maintains on a very small scale.

During this time he spent much of his time traveling throughout the southern states lecturing children of wealthier households that could afford to provide their children private tutelage. It was during this time that Oleandre discovered his love of writing. He wrote hundreds of letters, all either to his sister of his best friend, Dacian whom he had met at school. After the historic Battle of Carteneau, Oleandre returned home to the Shroud to find his sister quite changed. She spoked in mysteries, cared little for her hygiene and often disappeared for suns at a time. He found, too late, that she had been experimenting with forbidden magicks. As a hearer, she knew the danger of this, but Oleandre could not sway her from this path. She now wanders the Shroud, a mere shade of her former self, broken by the wrathful elementals.

Alexandre passed away soon after, heartbroken at the loss of his only daughter, leaving Oleandre a sizeable fortune and a missive to usher the fledgling Performing Arts Center that he had began into existence. Thus was Palazzo Aldenard founded. Shortly after the advent of the company proper, Oleandre was poisoned during a murder mystery event hosted within the manor. His step-mother was suspected of the crime, accounting to the fact that she was actively engaged in an attempt to extort money from him, but her estate was razed to the ground before a formal investigation and hearing could be conducted. The poison took a heavy toll upon Oleandre's liver, and under the supervision of his close friend and personal physician, Dr. Briggs, a series of life changes and a new liver gave Oleandre a much needed second chance at life.

In the three years since its inception, Palazzo Aldenard has begun to flourish and grow. Oleandre, too, has grown during this time and has learned to step out of the long shadow his father cast. Most recently, Oleandre asked his long time boyfriend, Auliander Zielione, to marry him - and the consent he received is counted chiefly among the meager achievements of his humble life. Time alone will tell what else lies in store for Mr. Torchier.




