Pak-Sing Choi
Assistant Professor in Economics
Welcome to my website! I am an assistant professor at the Graduate Institute of Industrial Economics of National Central University, Taiwan (國立中央大學產業經濟研究所). My research focuses on the combined effect of environmental and antitrust regulations on the behavior of industrial organization under sequential competition and incomplete information. Currently, I teach graduate courses in Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Economics, Managerial Economics, Game Theory and Strategy, Auction Theory, and Natural Resource Economics. Thank you for visiting and have a good day!
Contact Information
Office Location
Graduate Institute of Industrial Economics
No. 300 Zhongda Road, National Central University
Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, 32001 Taiwan
Office Hours
9:00 am to 11:00 am, Thursday, or by appointment
Office Phone
+886 03-4227151 (ext. 66481)