We are an open coven made up of members from many paths and walks of life (we have both male and female members, ranging from ages 25 to 73! ). We are based in the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont. We have been gathering twice a month for ten years and we welcome sincere new people. Tied together by our love of earth-based spiritual paths and practices, we get together for book discussions and personal sharing and support, seasonal sabbat ceremony and celebration, field trips, fire circles, potlucks, and rituals that explore the old and new ways. Our practices lean towards Wicca, but we are always excited to learn about and incorporate new traditions. We try not to take ourselves too seriously, have fun being out of the broom closet and we laugh (and sing) a lot, as well as share support for those following a pagan path.

Our Values

  • We care deeply about one another.
  • We honor each other’s unique strengths and interests.
  • We seek to empower and support each other.
  • We value each other’s different beliefs in our circle. We are joyfully eclectic.
  • We are open to each other’s perspectives and are willing to learn from one another.


We share leadership within the group, although members frequently take turns serving as ritual leaders. We share decision-making power and work through collaboration and consensus.

Our Goals

  • Follow the pagan spiritual path as an integral part of our lives
  • Deepen connection, commitment and support within our circle
  • Expand our knowledge of pagan practices and rituals
  • Practice creating sacred space and raising energy at each meeting
  • Learn how to weave spells and help each other in this way
  • Broaden our knowledge and skills in a variety of directions
  • Encourage personal conversation that draws us together