The mission welcomed the fiscal consolidation plans outlined in the 2017 budget speech by the Minister of Finance, which aims at putting public finances on a sustainable path. However, in the first two months of the year, expenditures outpaced revenues substantially, with the deficit financed mostly by domestic borrowing. In contrast to most of last year when the government faced severe domestic and external financing constraints, so far this year government securities auctions have been consistently over-subscribed, with increased participation of foreign investors. The mission advised the government to steadfastly implement the measures needed to achieve the 2017 budget targets; this would reassure markets and reduce the risk of souring sentiments and associated outflow of funds.

The economic context in which the Minister of Finance presented the 2023-2024 Budget speech entitled "To Dare and To Care", stands in sheer contrast with the conditions that prevailed during the recent past budgets.

2013 Budget Speech Zambia Pdf Free

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The Ministry of Finance is responsible for issues concerning central government finances, including coordination of the central government budget, forecasts and analyses, tax issues, and management and administration of central government activities. The Ministry is also responsible for matters concerning financial markets, consumer legislation, state-owned enterprises and digital policy.

Zambia's Ministry of Finance and National Planning has published the 2023 Budget Speech that was delivered to the National Assembly on 30 September 2022. The revenue (tax) measures of the budget are summarized as follows:

We have invited eminent professionals and academicians to analyze the budget. As per tradition, we expect the Minister of Finance to grace the occasion. Topics for discussion will include analysis of:

Hon Members, its a great privilege for me today to present the department of energy budget priorities for 2017/18 financial year. Let me first acknowledge that we are tabling our budget during the energy month under the theme: Promoting Affordable and Sustainable Energy Mix in support of radical socio-economic transformation.

Our budget allocation as department for this financial year is R8.1bn, of which R7.5bn is for transfers to our entities and R244 million is for the department to embark on its operations and its projects. In breaking down the transfers;

Primarily case files on presidential speeches, articles and other public statements. A file typically includes background material, drafts, and final text. Also included are Theis's and Orben's chronological files and some office administrative files.

A research unit verified the factual accuracy of statements in draft presidential speeches, messages, and articles. It maintained an extensive clipping file, drew upon the White House Library and may have contracted information services outside the government. Gwen Anderson headed this unit also, assisted by Agnes Waldron and later by Charles McCall. The research unit's activities were mirrored by a similar operation in the Office of the Press Secretary.

The speechwriting unit drafted most presidential speeches, remarks, and magazine articles, and briefly assisted Mrs. Ford before she acquired her own speechwriter. At any given time, there were perhaps five speechwriters in addition to the unit head and Counsellor Hartmann.

The Speechwriting Process

 During his two and a half year administration, President Ford delivered approximately 1,200 speeches and formal sets of remarks. Much of this material was generated by a dozen speechwriters and Hartmann. Hartmann, Theis and subsequently Orben, also acted as informal advisors to President Ford concerning speech subjects and formats. Occasionally, when an event was designed to be the forum for a major presidential policy statement, drafting of the entire statement or particular passages was the responsibility of an advisor with a direct policy interest. For example, Domestic Council Associate Director Richard Parsons, and Executive Director James Cannon were active in crime policy and drafted a major presidential message to Congress on crime in June 1975. Some 1976 campaign speeches also originated outside the speechwriting unit.

Most speeches, however, were the product of the speechwriting staff. Every week, President Ford received hundreds of speech invitations. The White House scheduling office and the president's top aides determined which invitation would be appropriate forums for presidential speeches. Under normal circumstances twelve major speaking engagements were accepted each month. This number increased dramatically during the 1976 campaign.

Under a formalized procedure, Theis and later Orben would assign a writer to draft a presidential speech. A "writer's assignment sheet" was sent to him, outlining subject matter, the projected length of the speech, the deadline for the first draft, the name of the researcher assigned to the project and the persons to contact for additional information.

Often the speechwriting staff would sit down with the president to discuss his ideas for a speech and its purpose. Frequently other staff members with a policy interest were consulted and offered their suggestions. A first draft would then be prepared and Theis or Orben would edit and return it to the writer. A speech might go through a number of drafts before an acceptable text was produced. At some point during this process the speech was sent to the research unit to be checked for accuracy. The final draft was circulated to appropriate White House and departmental aides for clearance, then on to Hartmann or the president for final approval. A large print reading copy was produced on which the President frequently made his own additions and deletions.

This procedure was expanded for a major speech such as the 1975 State of the Union Address. Work was begun in early December 1974 and the speech went through seven drafts before an acceptable copy was produced. Clearance was sought from at least fifteen administration officials before the final draft was approved and sent to the President. Even so, Ford made changes in the text almost up to the moment he delivered it on January 15.

This file includes drafts and background material for many presidential speeches. It is particularly helpful for the period before November 1975 and speeches President Ford gave during his trips abroad.

In addition to the President's annotated reading copies of speeches this file occasionally includes draft background material. For example, drafts for the 1975 State of the Union Address are in this files.

The series of draft press releases in this collection occasionally includes the original annotated final draft of a speech as prepared by the speechwriting staff and sent to the press office for release. In at least one case, a speech given to the Washington Press Club on September 18, 1974, this is the only existing draft located to date.

Gergen participated in drafting speeches for Ford, particularly during the 1976 campaign. Included in his files are drafts and background material for Ford's speech to the Daughters of the American Revolution on April 21, 1976, his address st the American Jewish Committee Dinner on May 13, 1976, and campaign speeches for trips to Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, and Texas.

These collections include correspondence, background material, and drafts relating to some of President Ford's major speeches, including those drafted for the Bicentennial, acceptance of the 1976 Republican nomination for president and the 1977 State of the Union Address.

Robert Orben Chronological File, 1976-77. (Box 84, 0.2 linear feet)

Material similar to that in the Paul Theis Chronological File, but not including items related to the correspondence and presidential messages units of the editorial office. The file relates only to Orben's position as director of the speechwriting staff from January 1976 until the end of the administration.

Arranged chronologically.

Subject Index to Taped Speeches, 1974-76. (Box 102, 0.4 linear feet)

Subject index to tapes of selected speeches and public statements by President Ford. This index is on permanent loan to the Ford Library audiovisual unit.

(A85-52; A85-123)

This Record Sub-Group is comprised of the working files of Professor Mike Nolan, Chair of the MU Department of Rural Sociology. Included in this Sub-Group are departmental correspondence, program reports, faculty information, evaluations, grievances, committeemeeting minutes and reports, budgets, financial reports, policy procedures, departmental planning, general departmental files, teaching needs and concerns, food for the 21'st Century, and assistant professorship applicants control records.

Note to Researcher: Some materials included in this Sub-Group were generated by the Department of Rural Sociology either previous to or following Professor Nolan's tenure as Chairman (1979-1983).

More than 1,500 exchange visitors have become cabinet-level ministers. So you can't quarrel with those results, but are we doing as good a job as we might in telling our story? How can we defend budgets and excite support if our results are usually long-term, and it is not simple to prove the causal relationship? As we studied individual stories of visitors here, I think it is fair to say we found they are often transforming.

That's a big word, but the only fair summary: Lives change, attitudes evolve, biases fall away. Clearly, real American people in real American towns are simply our best storytellers. But how to track the fruits of one person's transformation? Well, sometimes, often, we can't even track that person after 2 or 3 years. We don't have what any decent local car dealer would have -- a data bank of all their alumni. Why? So we can locate them and engage in further dialogue and create a kind of active membership. You'll be glad to know that the alumni data bank is in our recent budget request. be457b7860

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