Privacy Policy

Pacific Games Club

Privacy Policy

Pacific Games Club (“we, “us”, “our” or “company”) acknowledges your concern about how we collect and use your personal information. Your privacy is important for us and we do take our responsibility for caring your information seriously. In this policy we describes how we gather, use and process your information. Please read our Privacy policy and let us know your concerns regarding your data or other feedback regarding it.

By using our apps or any services linked to Pacific Games Club, you agree to the disclosure, collection, use and storage of your information as described in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Why Do We Collect Information?

Pacific Games Club’s primary objective is to offer enhanced services to provide you with a better experience with our services. We may also use provided information to serve you specifically, e.g. by delivering advertisement according to your preferences.

We use provided information to know which features of our services are in use, to notify you about the release of our new products, service notifications, and to get your feedback.

· We also collect information to serve you with the correct app version depending on your device type for trouble shooting and sometimes for marketing purposes.

· We may use your IP (Internet Protocol) to diagnose problems related to our computer server. Your IP address may help us to identify you, but contains no personal information about you.

· We also use your information or usage information or certain technical information including your IP address and computer in order to provide you with better services, create new services, improve services, resolve service issues and to deliver promotional information in connection with the services to enhance user experience.

· We may also use Analytics, Advertising, Anti-cheat and Anti-fraud technologies or sometimes cookies to collect information about how you use our services, your computer or device and performance of our services.

· Third parties may collect your information to serve you with the personalized advertisements.

What Information De We Collect:

The information we get depends on the services you use and how you use them.

Personal & Non-personal Information

By “Personal Information” we mean information about you that can help us to contact or identify you including but not limited to, user’s name, phone number, credit card or other billing information, information your provide when seeking any help from us, information collected through from surveys, information through security questions and answers, email address and residential address. This Privacy Policy also limits or restricts our collection of information. Please note, in this Privacy Policy your personal and non-personal information are referred as “Your Information”.

When you use our mobile application through your Facebook account, you may be asked to enter your Facebook address and password. It is important to note that Facebook controls all the information during the log-in process.

Non-personal information may include but not limited to information about your device, browser type, screen resolution, device type, device language, type of operating system and your location. We at Pacific Games Club allow third parties to collect some non-identifiable information of users to enhance the types of services being provided to the user. Non-personal information are only collected by third parties when you are using the services. Third parties have the rights to use non-personal information to conduct research and analysis, but for the specific purposes only.

Information you provide us to use the services

You might asked to provide your information while utilizing our services, it may include your mobile number to secure your account. In case you’ve agreed to receive push notifications, we may send text messages regarding our promotions, events or any other information you might want to get.

When you participate in our multiplayer games, we may get information about your profile account, gameplay, and statistics. We may collect the information you share through our surveys or your participation in different challenges. Payment information such as Google and Apple In-App purchase or other third party payment.

Information Provided to Us by Third Parties

Pacific Games Club may collect account information made with the third parties when you use EA online services or use third party gaming platforms. We may also get information when you log in to our apps using Facebook. We may also collect information when other players choose to share their contact lists with us.

Use of Our Applications

Whenever user launches our applications, we may collect information including

· Device, type, operating system and version

· Carrier provider, IP address, MAC address, IMEI

· Device’s geo location, language and device ID

· Account profile information when user create accounts with us for playing games

· Device event information, request and referral URLs, and other system activity details

We may also get your information using cookies and application data caches.

How We Use Collected Information

Pacific Games Club may use your personal and non-personal information in the following ways

· To improve our services and develop new apps and games

· For research and analytical purposes to demonstrate the health of our services, our technology and to better know our players

· To demonstrate online leaderboards and online match making

· Facilitate sharing of apps on social networks

· Control and manage targeted and contextual advertising

· To find out about security breaks, protect data against malicious, deceptive or fraudulent activity and to identify those responsible for the activity

· To setup and maintain accounts for the purpose

· To provide better user experience

· In order to facilitate you with better gameplay on various devices

· Identify, fix and troubleshoot technical errors

· Provide software updates

· To manage competitions and contests

· To communicate and respond to your queries and requests

· To send important information regarding your account, services, purchases and subscriptions

· Provide you with our service updates

Information We Share With the Third Parties

Expect as described in our Privacy Policy, we do not share, disclose or sell personal information to third parties. We may share your personal information to our business partners to serve you with the personalized advertisements. The use of information by third parties does not come under our privacy statement. We do not have control or access over the information collected. We show third party advertisements within our apps, these ads and services are not under our control, therefore Pacific Games Club is not responsible for the services.

We may disclose your personal information in the following cases:

· To comply with a legal order, legal process or any other government request

· We may disclose your information if we find any connection with fraud prevention activities

· When it is necessary to research, investigate or take legal action regarding illegal activities

· In order to protect our rights and others’ connected with us

· In situations where any violation of our terms and services or other rules comes into our notice

· To let our business partners serve you with personalized advertisements

How long we keep Your Personal Data

Pacific Games Club never stores your personal information and non-personal information for no longer than is necessary.

Security of Your Information

Pacific Games Club leaves no stone unturned to protect your information, we take a range of technical measures to protect user data. We time to time review our server logs and use latest monitoring tools to monitor health of our servers in a regular basis. Even though, no security measure is 100% secure. It is to be also noted that information collected by third parties may not have same security measures for protecting information.


We recommend parents to have a check on their children under the age of 13 while using our games and the way they deliver information over the internet. If it comes to our notice that we have received personal information from a child under age 13, we will immediately delete the collected information and terminate the person’s account.

Changes in our Privacy Policy

Pacific Games Club keeps the rights to change or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you when made any change to our policy. It is recommended that you must review the Privacy Policy each time you visit the platform. If you do not agree with the modified Privacy Policy, you will be unable to continue to use our services.

Contact Us

For any queries or concerns, you can send email to to contact our customer support team. We will respond to you as soon as possible.